NTT Communications Strengthens its Partnership with Arkadin to Provide Video Conferencing in Japan
Geschrieben am 06-07-2012 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
NTT BizLink, a subsidiary of the NTT Communications Group, one of
the largest telecommunications companies in the world, has extended
its partnership with Arkadin, a leading global collaboration services
provider, to deliver video conferencing to Japanese businesses.
"NTT Europe is pleased to offer these services to our
multi-national customers based in Japan," says Bob Welton, Regional
Sales Director at NTT Europe. "We're always looking at how we can
extend our cloud services and this helps to strengthen our commitment
to our growing European companies in Asia or breaking into."
NTT Bizlink has blended Arkadin's cloud-based video conferencing
with its products to offer solutions through NTT Communications
Group. This new generation video conferencing is delivered as a
'service' for fast, scalable deployments and minimal up-front
investments. Video conferencing will be instantly available over any
internet connection through simple one-click access from desktops or
mobile devices. The high definition (HD) video image quality delivers
life-like, face-to-face collaboration for a 'just like being there'
experience. Up to nine video displays will be available for multiple
participants to connect from any computer type or legacy end point.
"Arkadin is extremely excited about partnering with NTT
Communications Group, a telecommunications visionary who shares our
commitment to innovation and customer service excellence," says
Olivier de Puymorin, Arkadin's CEO and founder. "In a highly mobile,
global workplace, personal telepresence is fast becoming a must-have
productivity tool. Together with NTT Communications Group, we will
lead the market with a new generation solution that delivers the same
quality video experience as the far more expensive and complex legacy
About NTT Communications Corporation
NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security
and cloud services to optimize the information and communications
technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are
backed by the company's worldwide infrastructure, including our
Tier-1 Global IP Network, Arcstar Universal One(TM) VPN network
reaching over 150 countries, and over 120 secure data centers. NTT
Communications' solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group
companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.
Further information: | |
About Arkadin
Founded in 2001, Arkadin is a leading Global Collaboration
Service Provider offering a complete range of remote collaboration
solutions from audio, web and video conferencing to Unified
Communications. Arkadin enables all types and sizes of organizations
to communicate and collaborate effectively using its user-friendly
and cost-efficient solutions to increase business productivity. With
a global network of 50 operating centres in 29 countries throughout
Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and North America,
Arkadin delivers its business solutions around the world using a
Software as a Service model so enabling customers to benefit from
fast, scalable deployments with a high ROI.
Further information:
For further information, please contact:
Emma Crowe
Marketing Communications Manager - EMEA
NTT Communications
ots Originaltext: NTT Communications Corporation
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