Entrade Capital PLC applies to Deutsche Börse for voluntary delisting / Operational business of the Entrade Group continues unchanged
Geschrieben am 06-07-2012 |
Dahlem-Schmidtheim/Düsseldorf (ots) - On 4 July 2012 Entrade
Capital PLC decided to apply to Deutsche Börse for voluntary
delisting of its shares. The company had previously been informed by
the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that its application for listing in the
Entry Standard had been declined, without any reason for this being
provided. Entrade Capital PLC has been given the option of
reapplying, as soon as the company meets the requirements for the
Entry Standard which came into effect on 01 July 2012.
No reason for the rejection was given to Entrade Capital PLC, even
though the company itself and the banks which were responsible for
the listing application had previously submitted comprehensive
documentation in good time and were in close contact with Deutsche
Börse. In addition, for some considerable time now all the
obligations with regard to the transparency requirements for the
Entry Standard have been met in full.
Regardless of this specific decision, with effect from 1 July 2012
the eligibility criteria for the Entry Standard of the Frankfurt
Stock Exchange were made stricter, with the result that automatic
delisting with effect from 15 December 2012 threatens all companies
which are still listed on the Open Market, First Quotation Board.
Return to the capital markets aimed at
The operational business of Entrade Capital PLC and its
subsidiaries is not affected by this procedure and is continuing
unchanged, with particular focus on the financing and establishment
of a planned biogas facility in Serbia. Once delisting has been
completed the company's shares will be offered in the form of a
private placement. After approval of the prospectus which has already
been submitted the aim is to return to the capital markets.
The shares of Entrade Capital PLC will continue to be quoted for a
probable six weeks within the Xetra trading system of the Frankfurt
Stock Exchange, and can be traded under WKN ENTR87 (ISIN:
For more information please see www.entrade.de.
Contact partners:
Entrade Capital PLC
Uwe Kloos
Head of Customer Consulting
Huschbergerstraße 12
D-40212 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49 (0)2447/218 100-3
E-mail: info@entrade.de
Entrade Capital PLC
Sybille Schultebraucks
Chief Financial Officer
Schloss Schmidtheim
Hubertusstraße 6
D-53949 Dahlem-Schmidtheim
Tel.: +49 (0)2447/218-100-0
E-mail: info@entrade.de
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