
EANS-Adhoc: centrotherm photovoltaics AG files for Chapter 11-type proceedings under its own administration

Geschrieben am 10-07-2012

ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.


Blaubeuren, July 10, 2012 - centrotherm photovoltaics AG has today
submitted an application to the relevant District Court of Ulm for
the launching of insolvency protection proceedings (pursuant to the
German Act Relating to the Further Simplification of the
Reorganization of Companies [ESUG], and Section 270b of the German
Insolvency Directive [InsO]), and for the opening of insolvency
proceedings under its own administration in connection with this
application. With the help of these proceedings, the company aims to
pursue the reorganization path that it has already adopted. The
application includes the subsidiaries centrotherm thermal solutions
GmbH & Co. KG and centrotherm SiTec GmbH. The activities of the
companies centrotherm management services GmbH & Co. KG and
centrotherm cell & module GmbH are to be prospectively bundled within
the parent company as part of the reorganization. All other
subsidiaries both in Germany and abroad will continue to operate as
previously, and will not participate in the insolvency protection

The German Act Relating to the Further Simplification of the
Reorganization of Companies (ESUG), the instrument that centrotherm
has applied for, is designed to provide protection to companies in
insolvency proceedings, and is an act which came into force on March
1, 2012. The ESUG allows companies to restructure themselves based on
a coordinated reorganization and future concept. During the
"protective" phase, which is limited to three months, the company is
protected from creditors' enforcements and sanctions, and can remain
fully operational.

To support these moves, the Supervisory Board of centrotherm
photovoltaics AG has appointed reorganization expert and specialist
insolvency lawyer Tobias Hoefer to the Management Board with effect
as of July 11, 2012.

---End of the ad hoc announcement ---

The Corporate News that carries the same title as this ad hoc
announcement includes further information

end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== About centrotherm
photovoltaics AG centrotherm photovoltaics AG, which is based at
Blaubeuren, Germany, is a globally leading technology and equipment
provider for the photovoltaics sector. The company equips well-known
solar companies and new sector entrants with turnkey production lines
and single equipment to manufacture silicon, and crystalline solar
cells and modules. As a consequence, the Group possesses a broad and
well-founded technological basis, as well as key equipment at
practically all steps of the photovoltaics value chain. centrotherm
photovoltaics guarantees its customers important performance
parameters such as production capacity, efficiencies, and completion
deadlines. The Group employed around 1,900 staff as of the December
31, 2011 reporting date, and operates globally in Europe, Asia and
the USA. centrotherm photovoltaics achieved revenue in the 2011
financial year of around EUR 700 million. The company is listed in
the Prime Standard on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Further inquiry note:
Saskia Feil
Senior Manager Investor & Public Relations
Tel: +49 7344 918-8890
E-mail: saskia.feil@centrotherm.de

Nathalie Albrecht
Manager Public Relations
Tel: +49 7344 918-6304
E-mail: nathalie.albrecht@centrotherm.de

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: centrotherm photovoltaics AG
Johannes-Schmid-Str. 8
D-89143 Blaubeuren
phone: +49 (0) 7344 91880
mail: info@centrotherm.de
WWW: http://www.centrotherm.de
sector: Energy
indexes: Prime All Share, GEX, ÖkoDAX
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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