Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Calls on Europe to Tackle Food Waste
Geschrieben am 12-07-2012 |
Brussels (ots/PRNewswire) -
Effectively tackling food waste demands political action as much
as consumer awareness, according to a new study presented in Brussels
today by the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (BCFN) entitled
"Food Waste : causes, impacts and proposals".
One third of the total food production intended for human
consumption is wasted every year. In Europe alone, this amounts to
180 kg per capita. In addition to the vast societal implications,
such levels of food waste also have a huge environmental and economic
The Barilla Center's study, launched today at a policy debate in
Brussels, was attended by over 200 participants from public
institutions, trade associations, businesses, universities and civil
The first of two panel discussions, "Tackling food waste: a view
from the supply chain" brought together producers, retailers and NGOs
to formulate recommendations for practical solutions to tackle food
waste. In the second panel, "The policy challenge: the EU
perspective", representatives from European institutions discussed
what actions the EU must take to achieve the Commission's target of
halving the disposal of edible food waste by 2020.
The debate was followed by a demonstration from Academia Barilla
chefs of how one can make delicious dishes using leftovers and using
all parts of the products, thus wasting less food.
Guido Barilla, Chairman of the Barilla Center for Food &
Nutrition, said: "Food losses and waste cast a worrisome shadow over
the model of growth that has governed the global economy for the past
fifty years - a model that is totally unsustainable".
Tristram Stuart, writer and activist, said: "As this new BCFN
study confirms, solving the global food waste scandal requires global
action from governments, citizens and businesses. Tackling food
losses and food waste presents a massive opportunity to increase food
security and feed the world while also reducing the environmental
impact of our food system".
Note to Editors
The Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition is a multidisciplinary
think tank focusing on issues of food and nutrition and their
relations to economics, medicine, diet, sociology and the
environment. The work of the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition is
backed by an authoritative Advisory Board composed of Umberto
Veronesi (Scientific Director, European Institute of Oncology of
Milan; founder, Umberto Veronesi Foundation; former Italian Minister
for Health), Camillo Ricordi (Professor of Surgery, Medicine,
Biomedical Engineering, Microbiology and Immunology, University of
Miami), Claude Fischler , Ellen Gustafson (Founder and Executive
Director, 30 Project; Co-founder, FEED Foundation), Gabriele Riccardi
(Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, University of
Naples "Federico II"; President, Italian Society of Diabetology -
SID), and Barbara Buchner (Director, Climate Initiative Policy,
ots Originaltext: Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition
Im Internet recherchierbar:
For additional information: Barilla - Luca Di Leo/ Marina
Morsellino- Tel. +39-0521-2621 - ; APCO
Worldwide -
Marie van Raemdonck - Tel. +32-2-645-98-11 -
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