EANS-News: USU launches new software version of Valuemation for IT service
Geschrieben am 12-07-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
New Products
Möglingen (euro adhoc) - A new version of the Valuemation software
suite is now available with Release 4.3. The modularly designed
product line is notable for its integration of key complementary
technologies of the USU Group, additional functions for process
automation and optimization of its user-friendly interface.
Valuemation is an ITIL®-compliant, widely established standard
software package for IT service management. Its current productive
versions are internationally recognized and are certified by APM
Group Ltd. and Pink Elephant.
CMDB Integration of Valuemation into the ZIS system from LeuTek
The new CMDB combination of Valuemation with the monitoring
applications of LeuTek allows systems and components (configuration
items) to be centrally and uniquely created in the Valuemation CMDB.
The data will be transferred automatically in the future to the ZIS
system, which controls the entire monitoring process. This means an
end to error-prone redundant updating of duplicate data records.
Extended integration of USU KnowledgeCenter into Valuemation
Approved solutions to incidents, problems and service requests are
now directly transferred from Valuemation to the solution database.
Users benefit from the link with the USU KnowledgeCenter in the
handling of standardized editorial workflows, such as document
reviews, releases and resubmissions as well as in keeping track of
document versions, thus ensuring high-quality, up-to-date solutions.
What's more, question-and-answer chains that, for example, have been
submitted and answered as part of a self-service solution can now be
automatically entered in the ticket description and, in this way,
Supported product and service configuration for customers
Users are now guided in the Service Request Management area through
the complex configuration of services and products similarly to an
online shop. A digital assistant - a so-called wizard - provides
support by detecting user rights, suggesting matching product and
service groups or offering filter options, for example, by workplace.
Automatic service lifecycle
Valuemation automates the entire service lifecycle with the new
release. In the Portfolio Manager module, administrating users define
services and their composition in structured hierarchical trees, and
can also enter different pricing models for the services. Upon
approval, the service structure is automatically entered in the
Planning & Calculation module, where a distribution network for the
costs is then specified. The service catalog also integrates the
defined services and subservices as a starting point for the Service
Request Management. Other subprocesses, such as Discovery, Dependency
Mapping or service billing according to cause, access the uniquely
defined service structure.
Visualization with the CMDB Rack-o-Mat
The new Valuemation version offers integrated graphical presentation
for efficient management and monitoring of racks and blades in the
data center. Power consumption, cooling requirements or free hardware
space on a space and rack basis can be analyzed as a result.
Integrated financial indicators and methods for ROI and forecasts
IT services can only be financially evaluated on the basis of large
numbers of financial indicators. Relevant indicators are saved in
Valuemation for accurate calculation of return on investment, and
typical forecasting models are likewise integrated.
USU has already presented the new Valuemation version during the USU
World industry conference held on May 23 and 24, 2012. The feedback
from customers and interested parties was extremely positive.
This press release is also available for download at
About USU AG.
Founded in 1977, USU offers strategies, consulting, software
solutions and services for achieving comprehensive integration of
knowledge and experience into business workflows and applications
within organizations. Market leaders from every sector of the
international economy create transparency with USU applications,
while also becoming more competitive, cutting costs and reducing
their risks. With its three business areas, USU is Europe's largest
provider of IT and knowledge management solutions. With its
Valuemation® product line, USU offers a high-quality portfolio for
supporting IT Management and Service Management, one whose merits
have been recognized by leading market analysts around the world.
This modular, highly integrated suite covers all disciplines for
achieving ITIL®-compliant Business Service Management. With it, our
customers can obtain a comprehensive overview of their IT processes
and IT infrastructure, allowing them to transparently chart, track,
allocate and actively manage their IT costs. With KnowledgeCenter
technology, customers can activate and leverage all the knowledge
resources within their organizations. This broad, comprehensive
application bundles all the various communications and information
channels on one central platform. With the support of intelligent
knowledge bases from USU, call and service centers efficiently
provide accurate, individualized answers to over 25 million inquiries
per year. By developing and maintaining complex, customer-specific
applications, USU experts can combine user-requested features,
sector-specific knowledge and technological expertise to create
individual, customized solutions. Our core competencies also include
process and system integration based on service-oriented architecture
(SOA) as well as deployment of knowledge and employee portals, from
initial planning to ultimate placement in service. USU AG is a
subsidiary of USU Software AG (ISIN DE 000A0BVU28), which is listed
in the Prime Segment of the German Stock Exchange (DAX) in Frankfurt.
For further information, please go to: http://www.usu-ag.com
Further inquiry note:
Gerick Thomas
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: USU Software AG
D-71696 Möglingen
phone: +49 (0)7141 4867 0
FAX: +49 (0)7141 4867 20
mail: investor@usu-software.de
WWW: http://www.usu-software.de
sector: Software
indexes: CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
regulated dealing: Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard:
language: English
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