EANS-Adhoc: Mikron Holding AG / Mikron Group - Media release: Semiannual results
for 2012
Geschrieben am 20-07-2012 |
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Mikron Group - Media release: Semiannual results for 2012
Good order intake, less profit
Biel, 20 July 2012, 7.00 a.m. - In the first half of 2012, the Mikron
Group increased order intake and sales, while it suffered from a
significant year-on-year decrease in earnings before interest and
taxes (EBIT) to CHF 0.5 million. For the Mikron Group, the first half
of 2012 was characterized by a number of very different developments.
While the Machining business segment increased both sales and
earnings to a good overall level as anticipated, the corresponding
figures for the Automation business segment fell far short of
expectations. Looking ahead to the entire financial year and on the
basis of the current good order backlog, Mikron is anticipating an
EBIT margin that is slightly superior to 2011.
In the first half of 2012, the Mikron Group posted an order intake of
CHF 135.2 million (prior year: CHF 127.4 million, +6%). Compared to
the corresponding prior-year period, the Group managed to increase
sales from CHF 104.2 million to CHF 107.8 million (+3%). While the
Machining business segment was able to exploit broad-based demand in
Europe and Asia to increase sales by 11%, the Automation business
segment fell substantially short of expectations with a decline in
sales of around 8%. A combination of currency-related competitive
disadvantages, the challenges faced by Mikron Automation in the
execution of a number of projects, and an unsatisfactory level of
capacity utilization in certain areas have inevitably weighed on the
result. By contrast, the segment succeeded in obtaining a gratifying
number of major new orders in the second quarter, which will impact
positively on sales and earnings in the second half of the year.
Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amounted to an
unsatisfactory CHF 0.5 million in the first half of 2012 (prior year:
CHF 3.9 million). Due to the positive financial result and in
consideration of the income taxes, the Mikron Group recorded a profit
of CHF 0.6 million (prior year: CHF 2.6 million).
Mikron Machining In the first half of 2012, Mikron Machining
benefited from continued strong demand, particularly from the German
automotive industry. An equally pleasing development for this
business segment was the sales generated by the Swiss watchmaking
industry. Mikron Machining also continued to benefit from the ongoing
industrialization of China, and succeeded in expanding its overall
customer base. By contrast - attributable to the industry cycle and
therefore not unexpected - this business segment generated
significantly lower sales than in prior years with machines for the
writing instruments industry. Compared with Mikron Machining's
competitors, however, the order volume of CHF 71.7 million stands up
very well, and will ensure continuing good capacity utilization at
all production sites and in most business areas. Mikron Machining was
able to increase both sales and earnings in line with targets.
Mikron Automation At the start of the year in particular, Mikron
Automation's sales markets were still heavily overshadowed by
uncertainty over economic developments. Many customers repeatedly
postponed their investment decisions. After a weak first quarter,
however, order intake then rebounded strongly in the second quarter,
enabling Mikron Automation to report a pleasing order intake of CHF
63.6 million for the first half of the year. This healthy order
volume was primarily attributable to demand from suppliers to the
German automotive industry. IMA Automation Berlin GmbH (now Mikron
Berlin GmbH), the company acquired at the beginning of March, made an
important contribution to the increased second-quarter order intake.
The insufficient backlog of orders at the start of the year and a
general reluctance on the part of customers to place orders led to a
first-half sales figure that fell considerably short of expectations.
As a result of the low sales volume, high additional expenditures for
a number of complex customer projects, and persistent
currency-related pressure on margins, the business segment posted a
significant operating loss for the first half of 2012.
Outlook The general uncertainty caused by the overindebtedness of a
number of European countries is likely to affect the second half of
2012 too. Assuming a stable currency situation, Mikron expects a
slight flattening of demand throughout the Group as a whole. Mikron
expects the good level of capacity utilization at Mikron Machining to
continue, while Mikron Automation should experience a significant
improvement thanks to the healthy order intake in the second quarter.
Overall, therefore, Mikron anticipates a significant improvement in
second-half sales and earnings. The Board of Directors and Group
Management are adhering to the objective of generating sales of
around CHF 240 million (inclusive the acquired company) for the 2012
financial year, along with a slight year-on-year increase in the EBIT
Key figures for the Mikron Group in the first half year 2012
CHF million, except number of employees and shareholders' equity
1.1.-30.6.12 1.1.-30.6.11 +/-
Order intake 135.2 127.4 6.1%
- Machining 71.7 87.4 -18.0%
- Automation 63.5 40.3 57.8%
Net sales 107.8 104.2 3.5%
- Machining 66.3 59.6 11.2%
- Automation 41.5 44.9 -7.6%
Order backlog 136.3 109.8 24.1%
- Machining 68.0 67.5 0.7%
- Automation 68.3 42.4 61.1%
Number of employees 1,071 938 14.2%
- Machining 525 497 5.6%
- Automation 542 435 24.6%
EBIT 0.5 3.9 -87.2%
Profit 0.6 2.6 -76.9%
Operating cash flow 3.4 0.8 325.0%
Balance sheet total 225.2 219.1 2.8%
Shareholders' equity 64.4% 67.7% -2.1%
Publication of semiannual results for 2012
The semiannual results will be published at the same time as this media release
in the form of the 2012 Semiannual Report: www.mikron.com/reports.
end of ad-hoc-announcement
Brief profile of the Mikron Group
The Mikron Group is a globally operating, technologically leading supplier of
machining and automation solutions for high-volume and high-precision
production. Its main markets are the automotive component supply industry, the
pharmaceutical and medical devices industries, the writing instrument industry,
and the electronics and watchmaking industries. With around 100 years of
experience, rooted in Swiss innovation and quality culture, the Mikron Group is
a long-term process and technology partner to many industry leaders. The Group
employs a workforce of over 1000, the majority of them at its two main sites in
Switzerland (Agno and Boudry).
Investor Relations Calendar of Events
24 January 2013, 7.00 a.m., Media release: Preliminary volume figures for 2012
18 March 2013, 7.00 a.m., Media release: Publication of the 2012 Annual Report
18 March 2013, 10.00 a.m., Results press conference, ConventionPoint, SIX Swiss
Exchange, Zurich
9 April 2013, Annual General Meeting 2013, Biel
Except for the historical information contained herein, the statements in this
media release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and
Mikron® is a trademark of Mikron Holding AG, Biel (Switzerland).
Further inquiry note:
Mikron Management AG, Martin Blom, Chief Financial Officer
Phone +41 62 916 69 60, ir.mma@mikron.com
Mikron Management AG, Martin Blom, Chief Financial Officer
Phone +41 62 916 69 60, ir.mma@mikron.com
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end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Mikron Holding AG
Mühlebrücke 2
CH-2502 Biel
phone: +41 32 321 72 00
FAX: +41 32 321 72 01
mail: mho@mikron.com
WWW: www.mikron.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: CH0003390066
indexes: SPI, SPIEX, SPI ex SLI
stockmarkets: Domestic Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English
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Hiermit gibt die Klöckner & Co SE bekannt, dass folgende Finanzberichte
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- EANS-Tip Announcement: Klöckner & Co SE / Announcement according to Articles
37v, 37w, 37x et seqq. of the WpHG (the German Securities Act) with the
objective of Europe-wide distribution --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
The company Klöckner & Co SE is declaring its financial reporting publication
plan below:
Report Type: Group-Half Yearly Report
Publication Date : 08.08.2012
Publication Location: http://www.kloeckner.de
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