Invest & Manage Airports Attracts Key Investment Community Speakers
Geschrieben am 25-07-2012 |
Manchester, England (ots/PRNewswire) -
Following on from the success of its inaugural event last
December the second Invest & Manage Airports event will take place in
London on 18-19 October 2012. Invest & Manage Airports is the meeting
place where airports, airlines, airport operators and infrastructure
investors meet to discuss new opportunities for investment in and
management of airports from across the world.
The event will provide the perfect platform for the investment
community to meet with airlines and airport owners and operators to
get together to look at the changing nature of the global aviation
industry and what is required of our airports of the future.
Some of the issues that will be addressed at this event include;
The Transformation of Infrastructure and the Difference Investors/New
Management can make; Maintaining Growth in Austere Times; the Future
of Airport Revenues; Airlines - The Next Air Market Opportunities and
Acquiring Management Expertise, Conditions for Successful Management
Many high level industry experts have already confirmed their
participation in the speaker programme for 2012 including Michael
McGhee, CEO of Global Infrastructure Partners; Justin Symonds,
Managing Director, Head of Transport & Logistics, RBS; Patrick Heck,
CFO, Airport City Denver; Rick Wagstaffe, Vice President, Procurement
& Logistics, Emirates; Romain Py, Executive Director Infrastructure
Investments, JP Morgan and Arturo Recio, Global Head of
Infrastructure, HSBC and Dr. Waleed Youssef, Director, GCC Region TAV
Airports Holding . Keynote addresses will be given by Professor. John
Kasarda Ph.D, Director of Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise and
Derek Hendry, Construction Director at London Gatwick Airport with
many more industry leaders expected to confirm their participation in
the coming weeks.
The event is unique in that it attracts many participants from
the airline community who can offer their insight into future
strategies including capacity planning to ensure airports fill their
air service requirements in line with their developments. Confirmed
airline speakers include; Emirates, British Airways, Monarch Airlines
and Virgin Atlantic Airways who will discuss the global and regional
market trends, hub and spoke development, new aircraft impact and
decision factors for airlines.
David Stroud, Executive Vice President Airports at organiser UBM
Aviation stated "Invest and Manage is a unique event occurring at a
vital time in the current economic environment. Many investors are
looking for long-term investment opportunities in infrastructure
assets, governments are increasingly seeking ways to develop services
from their core infrastructure assets, increase jobs and stimulate
trade All parties need to hear from the assets biggest customers, the
airlines, we are bringing them together in a unique and innovative
In addition, a busy programme of targeted Opportunity Briefings
from amongst others Denver Airport City and Curacao Airport will be
held which allow airports to present investment or privatisation
opportunities, and allow investors to brief a wider industry audience
on their objectives and plans.
For more information on this event and an up to date event
programme visit
Notes to Editors
About Invest & Manage
- Invest and Manage is an event where airports, airport operators and
infrastructure investors meet formally to discuss new opportunities for investment in
and management of airports.
- The organisers of Routes - The World and Regional Route Development Forums
will apply Routes' successful One-to-One Meetings based model to the airport
investment and management community.
- Routes was acquired by UBM Aviation Worldwide Ltd in August 2010. Routes
is a UBM Aviation brand. UBM Aviation specialises in the supply of data and
information products, market intelligence, news and events related to the global
aviation industry. More information can be found at
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ots Originaltext: UBM Aviation Routes Ltd
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For further press information please contact: Victoria Jones, PR
Executive, UBM Aviation Routes Limited, T: +44(0)161-234-2730, E:
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