EANS-Adhoc: Precious Woods Holding Ltd. / Change in the Board of Directors of
Precious Woods
Dr. Rudolf Wehrli to step down as member of the Board as per 1 October 2012
following his nomination as c
Geschrieben am 07-08-2012 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Sustainable Forestmanagement
Zug/Zurich, 8 August 2012 - There will be a change in the Board of
Directors of Precious Woods Holding Ltd (SIX Swiss Exchange: PRWN)
effective as per 1 October 2012: Following his nomination to become
the new chairman of Economiesuisse, Rudolf Wehrli decided to step
down from several board memberships amongst others from his function
as member of the Board of Precious Woods. Rudolf Wehrli has been
member of the Board since 2007. The Board of Directors of the
Precious Woods Holding Ltd regrets Rudolf Wehrli's decision; at the
same time they would like to congratulate him to his nomination and
wish him all great success as well as personal satisfaction in his
new task. With Rudolf Wehrli leaving the Board of Directors of
Precious Woods, this body will be reduced to five members.
end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== Precious Woods is an
international company active in the sustainable management and use of
tropical forests. The company's core activities include reforestation
and sustainable management of tropical forests, timber processing and
the trading of FSC-certified timber products. The generation of
emission rights and electricity from wood waste represent further
integral elements of the company's business. Shares of Precious Woods
Holding Ltd have been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since March
2002. Additional information about Precious Woods can be found at
Further inquiry note:
Precious Woods Holding AG
Brunhilde Mauthe
Head of Group Communications & Marketing Services
Tel. +41 44 245 81 20
Fax +41 44 245 81 12
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Precious Woods Holding Ltd.
Baarerstrasse 79
CH-6301 Zug
phone: +41 44 245 80 10
FAX: +41 44 245 80 12
mail: office@preciouswoods.com
WWW: http://www.preciouswoods.com
sector: Forestry & Timber
ISIN: CH0013283368
indexes: SPI
stockmarkets: Main Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange
language: English
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