EANS-News: CompuGroup Medical AG continues solid performance in second quarter
Geschrieben am 09-08-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
6-month report
Koblenz (euro adhoc) - August 9th, 2012: CompuGroup Medical AG today
presented the financial report for the second quarter of 2012. The
company, one of the leading global providers of eHealth solutions,
achieved revenue of EUR 111.3 million compared to EUR 87.8 million in
the second quarter 2011. This represents an increase of 27 percent of
which 8 percent is organic growth.
With this solid result CompuGroup Medical AG continues the successful
start to the year in the second quarter. Operating profit (EBITDA)
came in at EUR 25.9 million, compared to EUR 10.4 million in the same
period of 2011. The corresponding operating margin improved by 11
percentage points to 23 percent, driven by successful integration and
efficiency improvements in companies acquired as well as special
effects in the second quarter last year. The most pronounced positive
effect comes from the US business that continued its positive trend
from the first quarter and delivered a second quarter with 16 percent
year-on-year organic revenue growth and 15 percent EBITDA-margin.
In the HPS (Health Provider Services) business segments, revenue was
EUR 95.0 million compared to EUR 71.9 million in the second quarter
of 2011. This represents an increase of 32 percent of which 9 percent
is organic growth. The HCS (Health Connectivity Services) business
segment had a flat year-on-year development with 1 percent organic
growth and revenue of EUR 16.0 million in the second quarter 2012.
Frank Gotthardt, Chairman of the Board of CompuGroup Medical AG,
stated: "We continued the positive 2012 development in the second
quarter with solid organic growth and a forceful rebound in margins
compared to last year. Our progress in Health Provider Services is
broad-based, from most competitive hospital information systems in
Poland, to the leading position in EMR and PM systems in Germany and
to cutting edge electronic health records for ambulatory doctors in
the US. Our products manifest our vision of software solutions
supporting healthcare providers and other stakeholders for more
efficiency and better health. As always, our business is based on
unrelenting growth and a strong focus on operational efficiency as we
continue our journey towards becoming a truly global company."
In view of the positive development in the first half year of 2012,
CGM narrows the outlook to the upper range of the guidance and is now
expecting group revenue to be in the range of EUR 450 million to EUR
460 million and group operating income (EBITDA) to be in the range of
EUR 100 million to EUR 105 million.
Conference Call for Journalists, Investors and Analysts: The
management board of CompuGroup Medical AG will go through the Q2
results at a conference for analysts and investors today at 15:00
hours CET.
You can participate in this conference call by dialing one of the
following phone numbers:
+49 (0) 69 2 10 86 97 03 (Germany)
+44 (0) 16 16 01 89 02 (UK)
+1 (0) 21 53 05 44 95 (USA)
Participant code: 18 56 12 70
A presentation is available for download on CGM's website at
www.cgm.com and can also be viewed live at
About CompuGroup Medical AG CompuGroup Medical is one of the leading
eHealth companies in the world. Its software products are designed to
support all medical and organizational activities in doctors'
offices, pharmacies and hospitals. Its information services for all
parties involved in the healthcare system and its web-based personal
health records contribute towards safer and more efficient
healthcare. CompuGroup Medical's services are based on a unique
customer base of over 385,000 doctors, dentists, hospitals,
pharmacies and networks as well as other service providers. With
locations in 19 countries and customers in 34 countries worldwide,
CompuGroup Medical is the eHealth company with one of the highest
coverage among eHealth service providers. Approximately 3,500 highly
qualified employees support customers with innovative solutions for
the steadily growing demands of the healthcare system.
Further inquiry note:
CompuGroup Medical AG
Barbara Müller
Consultant Press & Media
P +49 (0) 261 8000-6100
F +49 (0) 261 8000-3100
e-mail: press@cgm.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: CompuGroup Medical AG
Maria Trost 21
D-56070 Koblenz
phone: +49 (0) 261 8000-0
FAX: +49 (0) 261 8000-1166
mail: investor@cgm.com
WWW: www.cgm.com
sector: Software
ISIN: DE0005437305
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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