Calgary TELUS Convention Centre Goes Solar
Geschrieben am 23-08-2012 |
Calgary, Alberta (ots/PRNewswire) -
Known for being a dynamic entrepreneurial city, Calgary is making
exciting breakthroughs when it comes to innovative environmental
initiatives. This year the Calgary Telus Convention Centre is
introducing solar panels, which will generate power for meetings and
conventions - and generate some attention for the city too.
The Calgary TELUS Convention Centre (CTCC), one of Canada's
premier convention and meeting facilities, helps build the profile of
Calgary, provides quality service to visitors and offers strong
economic benefits to the City of Calgary. Over the years, the CTCC
has continued to evolve its services, facilities and technologies
through everything from expansion plans and partnerships to green
With Calgary receiving more sunshine hours annually than any
other major Canadian city, there was an incredible opportunity to
transform this sunshine into a useable source of power. The forward
thinking facility is currently installing 10Kw solar panels on the
North Building roof, which will harness energy from the sun and
ultimately lower the CTCC's carbon footprint.
"The CTCC has always been a leader with environmental
initiatives. The solar panels will reduce our draw on the provincial
grid by 14,000 kilowatt hours per year " says Heather Lundy, Director
of Marketing Calgary TELUS Convention Centre. The energy generated
from the panels will feed into the existing electrical distribution
system in the North Building, offsetting the emissions by 11 tonnes,
which is equivalent to two cars being taken off the streets. In fact,
the solar panels could generate enough energy for two average
households for an entire year, who on average, consume 600Kwh per
As a progressive and responsible facility, the The Calgary TELUS
Convention Centre demonstrates a commitment to environmental
stewardship. "The CTCC maintains its BOMA Best Level 3 Certification
through environment-friendly practices, energy saving efforts and an
aggressive reduce, reuse, recycle program that ensures as much
material as possible is diverted away from the landfill" says Lundy.
Eco friendly building systems, office equipment and low-flow water
fixtures are also applied internally and whenever possible every
effort is made to use suppliers who employ environment-friendly
products and procedures.
The installation is expected to be completed by the end of the
summer. Once it is up and running for a few weeks, the solar panels
will be viewable in real time online, It's another great example of
how Calgary and the The Calgary TELUS Convention Centre are proud to
be part of the energy.
About The Calgary TELUS Convention Centre
The Calgary TELUS Convention Centre located right in the heart of
the city offers an incredible array of space options, services to
meet any requirement, and the experienced planning support to make
putting it all together easy. We've got just the right mix for your
next event.
Images can be located at
For further information:
For more information, or to arrange an interview: Please contact
Heather Lundy, Director of Marketing at or call +1-403-261-8514.
ots Originaltext: Calgary TELUS Convention Centre
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