Philips Showcases Innovation With new Cardiology Solutions and Provides Pioneering Forum for Expert Dialogue at ESC 2012
Geschrieben am 24-08-2012 |
Munich (ots/PRNewswire) -
With the introduction of EchoNavigator and other new solutions,
Philips paves the way for transformation in cardiovascular disease
Royal Philips Electronics will present a range of new and
ground-breaking solutions, designed to demonstrate how innovation in
patient-centered care is currently helping to transform
cardiovascular disease management, during the 2012 Congress of the
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) in Munich.
(Logo: )
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular
disease (CVD) is the world's biggest killer, claiming 17.3 million
lives a year.[1] In the European Union, it remains the main cause of
death, killing over two million people each year and costing the
economy EUR192 billion annually.[2]
"Philips is committed to providing pioneering and innovative
solutions to the major challenges the world currently faces in the
management of cardiovascular disease," commented Eric Silfen, Chief
Medical Officer, Philips Healthcare. "This year at ESC, we want to
showcase new solutions and systems that will enable clinicians to
achieve safer, enhanced patient care and outcomes in some of the most
complex disease states and procedures; thereby making a true
difference to patients' lives and reducing the significant burden of
cardiac disease."
New product introduction designed to facilitate an integrated
approach to treating patients with structural heart disease
This year, Philips will introduce EchoNavigator[3], which uses a
breakthrough technology that provides a new dimension to
interventional imaging by combining two live modalities - X-ray and
echocardiography - to unite operators and images in an interactive
and intuitive way for catheter based Structural Heart Disease (SHD)
EchoNavigator is developed to address some key challenges faced
by clinicians; as well as managing to improve team communication,
during complex catheter based SHD procedures. It will enable
clinicians to perform the procedure efficiently by providing
intelligently integrated X-ray and echo images in one view as well as
ease of system navigation, saving valuable time and improving patient
"Dynamics in the cardiology field are changing. ESC provides us
with the opportunity to highlight our continued commitment in
providing meaningful innovations that can help to address the
significant impact cardiovascular disease has across the world," said
Bert van Meurs, General Manager Interventional X-Ray Philips
Healthcare. "EchoNavigator combines, in a unique way, the strength of
Philips in both 3D ultrasound and interventional cath labs. It is
intended to facilitate Structural Heart Disease procedures by
enhancing procedural confidence and by supporting communications
within the Heart team."
Revolutionary imaging solution that reduces the barriers of dose
in coronary artery disease interventions
Philips will showcase its new AlluraClarity family[**], the first
X-ray system with the revolutionary ClarityIQ technology.
AlluraClarity IQ offers industry-leading image quality, equivalent to
the Allura Xper generation, at a fraction of the dose during
Traditionally, lower radiation dose during interventional X-ray
procedures means corresponding lower image quality, which could
inhibit clinicians' ability to accurately diagnose and treat
patients. The initial clinical trials have shown an average reduction
of 50% radiation dose without sacrificing image quality in coronary
angiography.[4] Studies in other types of applications, such as DSA
angiography, have shown even further dose reduction of up to 83%.[5]
These improvements will not only significantly help improve
diagnostic effectiveness, but will also ensure that patients and
hospital staff will experience fewer complications from radiation
Cardiology informatics transforms clinical management at every
stage of care
The Philips IntelliSpace Cardiovascular, to be previewed in
Europe for the first time at ESC 2012, is a new integrated portfolio
of software and services designed to help streamline clinical
workflow and improve operational performance across the
cardiovascular service line.
The streamlined solution addresses clinicians' needs for
consistently managing the workflow, including clinical and
administrative records for the cardiovascular service line. The
solution offers one access point into consolidated patient data,
advanced clinical applications, multimodality images and reports
through the patient cardiovascular care continuum. The product is not
yet available for sale.
Philips hosts Cardiology Leadership Dialogue to lead peer to peer
In addition, Philips is welcoming clinicians from around the
world to join its unique Cardiology Leadership Dialogue, in the form
of nine expert-led clinical roundtable discussions. These discussions
will provide a forum and opportunity for clinicians to communicate
with many of the most eminent members of the cardiac care community,
seeking to address some of the most essential questions in cardiology
today. Topics of the discussions will range from improving STEMI and
non-STEMI diagnosis and treatment, to the transcatheter treatment of
valve diseases.
[**] Not available for sale in the U.S.
Visit Philips' ESC 2012 Booth B450, located in Hall 2B at the ICM
- International Congress Center, Munich or visit
About Royal Philips Electronics
Royal Philips Electronics is a diversified health and well-being
company, focused on improving people's lives through meaningful
innovation in the areas of Healthcare, Consumer Lifestyle and
Lighting. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Philips posted 2011 sales
of EUR 22.6 billion and employs approximately 122,000 employees with
sales and services in more than 100 countries. The company is a
leader in cardiac care, acute care and home healthcare, energy
efficient lighting solutions and new lighting applications, as well
as male shaving and grooming, portable entertainment and oral
healthcare. News from Philips is located at
1. Global atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control.
World Health Organization. Available on
Accessed August 2012
2. Cardiovascular disease statistics. European Heart Network.
Available on Accessed
August 2012
3. EchoNavigator is anticipated to be CE marked in Q4 2012.
4. A Philips clinical trial study conducted together with Radboud
University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
5. A Philips clinical trial study conducted together with St
Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, Netherlands
For media inquiries, please contact:
Sabine van Deursen
Philips Healthcare Communications
Tel: +31(0)6-1504-3894
ots Originaltext: Royal Philips Electronics
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