Octoshape and NetRange forge alliance powering OTT IPTV enabled Smart TV's / Partnership brings Infinite HD-M to NetRange powered Smart TV's enabling the transition from Broadcast TV to Broadband TV
Geschrieben am 25-09-2012 |
Atlanta/Hamburg (ots) - NetRange, a global provider of Smart TV
solutions, and Octoshape, an industry leader in cloud- based
streaming technology, have partnered to facilitate the next
generation in broadband television - transitioning from "Broadcast
TV" to "Broadband TV". The Octoshape Infinite HD-M multicast
technology will be integrated into NetRange Smart TV portals and will
enable TV quality, TV scale and TV economics over unmanaged IP
The concept, also called "Triple OTT," will allow consumers to
watch linear TV via the DVB-Platform as they do today, but also add
the ability to view unlimited amount of linear channels in broadcast
quality via the public Internet, including access to Smart TV
applications and services. Broadcasters and media companies will
benefit from a range of new business models and gain unlimited,
global reach for HD quality video delivery on Smart TV's. Network
operators and ISPs will benefit as the life cycle of already existing
broadband infrastructure such as ADSL2+ will be extended since the
technology makes existing networks much more efficient to deliver
large volumes of content.
"With Triple OTT, we deliver exactly what the consumer wants.
Besides linear TV based on DVB and our portfolio of Smart TV
applications, Octoshape will enable our devices and our content
partners to make more content available at the highest quality with
flat fee per channel pricing," said Jan Wendt, Founder and CEO of
NetRange. "Octoshape's Infinite HD-M technology will become a major
component in our OTT strategy. Their focus and reputation for
providing for large scale broadband TV audiences coupled with its
unique technology enabling global video quality will provide a new
platform for content owners and device manufacturers with
unparalleled consumer video experiences."
The partnership integrates Octoshape's Infinite HD-M Federated
Multicast platform into NetRange-powered Smart TV portals. Infinite
HD-M enables large volumes of broadband TV consumption to be
delivered efficiently over last mile networks without requiring the
vast infrastructure upgrades necessary with traditional video
delivery platforms.
With more than 400 customers, NetRange is one of the world's
largest service providers for Smart TV solutions and is also one of
the world's most successful service providers for the development of
Smart TV applications and services. Working for clients like ITN
news, maxdome, Mercedes-Benz, Brainpool, Tagesschau and the Bauer
Media Group, NetRange has developed applications and services not
only for its own portal, but also for other current leading Smart TV
portals, such as Samsung, LG and Philips.
"The partnership with NetRange is an explosive catalyst in the
ecosystem," said Michael Koehn Milland, CEO of Octoshape. "The
combination of the consumer friendly NetRange Smart TV portal with
the quality, scale, and economic aspects of the Infinite HD-M
platform will create an unbeatable consumer video experience on the
broadband connected television."
Telco and cable operators that are part of the Infinite HD-M
Federated network receive the signals via native IP Multicast in a
way that allows them to easily manage large volumes of traffic
without upgrading their Internet capacity. Octoshape's federated
linear broadband TV ecosystem will continue to expand globally
throughout 2012 in carefully planned phases adding content
contribution partners, Tier 1 broadband providers, connected
television manufacturers and conditional access providers.
About Octoshape Streaming media innovator Octoshape provides the
enabling technology required to bring TV Quality, TV Scale and TV
Economics to the public Internet. The company is writing the next
chapter of content delivery for broadband IPTV services. The
Octoshape approach is more scalable, flexible and affordable than
traditional content delivery (CDN) schemes, while providing
feature-rich, high-quality viewing to the largest of audiences. For
more information visit www.octoshape.com.
About NetRange NetRange is a global provider of white label, brand
independent Smart TV portal solutions. NetRange is operating
integrated worldwide full-service Smart TV portals for major clients
such as Sharp, Loewe, Vestel and HD+ (a subsidiary of SES Platform
For more information please contact:
For Octoshape
Jessica Slezak
Phone: +1 801 305-1447
For NetRange
Margit Lehmann
Phone: +49 40 280 953 0
Fax: +49 40 280 953 11
Email: margit.lehmann@netrange.com
Web: www.netrange.com
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