EANS-News: Derby Cycle AG: Change in the Supervisory Board
Geschrieben am 27-09-2012 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information
Cloppenburg (euro adhoc) - Derby Cycle AG (ISIN DE000A1H6HN1, WKN
A1H6HN), Germany's largest bicycle manufacturer in terms of revenue,
announces a change in its Supervisory Board. Adrianus Bernard
Smalbraak, Chief Executive Officer of Pon Holdings B.V., resigned
from his position as member of the supervisory board of Derby Cycle
AG by the end of September 26, 2012. The chairman of the Supervisory
Board has agreed to accept the resignation of Mr. Smalbraak. The
resignation of Mr. Smalbraak takes place in mutual agreement with the
Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.
Successor of Mr. Smalbraak as member of the Supervisory Board is
Floris Ferdinand Waller, Chief Financial Officer of Pon Holdings B.V.
Mr. Waller was appointed substitute member for Mr. Smalbraak at the
ordinary General Meeting of Derby Cycle AG on March 2, 2012. He has
taken Mr. Smalbraak's place on the Supervisory Board effective by
September 27, 2012. His term of office, in accordance with the
articles of association, ends with the Annual General Meeting that
decides on the ratification of the actions for the 2014/15 financial
year - unless a new Supervisory Board member is elected at the next
Annual General Meeting by a three-quarters majority.
Mr. Smalbraak had been a member of the Supervisory Board since March
2, 2012. The Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Derby Cycle AG
wish to thank Mr. Smalbraak for his trustworthy cooperation.
Company profile: Derby Cycle is Germany's largest bicycle
manufacturer in terms of revenues, and one of the leading
manufacturers in Europe. In particular, global demand growth for
high-quality electric and sports bicycles, as well as the company's
advancing internationalisation in all European volume markets, are
reflected in the company's dynamic growth. Derby Cycle's product
range comprises electric bicycles, sports bicycles for leisure and
competition purposes, as well as comfort bikes for everyday and
travel use. These bicycles are sold through the established Kalkhoff,
FOCUS, Raleigh, Univega and Rixe brands. All models are developed and
assembled at the company's base in Cloppenburg, Germany. These
high-quality products are distributed through specialist retailers
who provide their customers with professional advice and extensive
With around 614 employees, Derby Cycle achieved revenue of EUR 235.5
million in the fiscal year 2010/2011, 66.9% of which was generated in
Germany, and 33.1% abroad. Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)
amounted to approximately EUR 19.6 million. Derby Cycle sold a total
of around 482,000 bicycles, of which 87,000 comprised e-bikes.
Further information is available at: www.derby-cycle.com
Further inquiry note:
cometis AG
Unter den Eichen 7
65195 Wiesbaden
Henryk Deter / Claudius Krause
Telefon: +49 (0)611-20 58 55-28
E-Mail: krause@cometis.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Derby Cycle AG
Siemensstr. 1-3
D-49661 Cloppenburg
phone: +49-4471-966-0
FAX: +49-4471-966-44820
mail: u.boegershausen@derby-cycle.de
WWW: http://www.derby-cycle.de
sector: Consumer Goods
indexes: SDAX
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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