Air Arabia Moves to Next-generation Schedule Analysis With OAG Analyser
Geschrieben am 02-10-2012 |
Abu Dhabi, Uae (ots/PRNewswire) -
OAG [ ], the market leader in airline schedule
data, is celebrating the signing of leading low-cost carrier Air
Arabia as the latest airline in the Middle East to adopt schedule
analysis tools from OAG and the region's first customer for the new,
state-of-the-art 'OAG Analyser' system.
(Photo: )
'OAG Analyser' brings an unprecedented level of advanced data
analysis functionality to the aviation industry. It is an easy-to-use
online tool for extracting real meaning and insight from airline
schedules data. By interrogating OAG's industry-leading databases,
'OAG Analyser' offers Air Arabia rapid access to detailed reports
ranging from airline and airport route development trends to aircraft
usage patterns.
Air Arabia, recently ranked by Aviation Week as the world's
second-best-performing airline, and the only Middle East carrier
among the magazine's 2012 'Top-Performing Airlines', will use 'OAG
Analyser' to ensure the airline continues its successful period of
growth through its multi-hub strategy.
The signing ceremony took place today at the World Route
Development Forum in Abu Dhabi, UAE and was attended by Air Arabia's
Group Chief Executive Officer Adel Ali who said: "At Air Arabia, we
always make use of valuable tools and systems to optimise efficiency
and support our growth. We are confident this new system will support
the airline's schedule proposition and market research."
John Grant, OAG's Executive Vice President, said: "The Middle
East's low-fare sector has demonstrated a dramatic pace of growth in
the last decade, with an average annual growth rate of 52% compared
to traditional carriers who have grown at an average rate of 7%
annually. This growth is due in large part to the expansion of Air
Arabia and we are delighted to secure the airline as an OAG customer.
With OAG Analyser, Air Arabia will be better placed to undertake
market research and maintain its leadership in the region."
OAG is an exhibitor at this week's World Route Development Forum.
Copies of OAG's 'Middle East Low Cost Carrier Market Analysis' report
are available from the company's stand, number N54.
Photo caption [
042728060/in/set-72157631418236846/lightbox ] : (left to right) Rob
Shaw, OAG's Director of Analytics; John Grant, OAG's Executive Vice
President; Adel Ali, Air Arabia's Group Chief Executive Officer; and
Tony Whitby, Air Arabia's Director of Network, Strategy and
International Affairs.
Notes to Editors:
Air Arabia (PJSC), listed on the Dubai Financial Market, is the
Middle East and North Africa's leading low-cost carrier. Air Arabia
commenced operations in October 2003 and currently operates a total
fleet of 31 new Airbus A320 aircraft, serving 77 routes from three
hubs in the UAE, Morocco and Egypt. Air Arabia is an award-winning
airline that focuses on offering comfort, reliability and
value-for-money air travel. For further information, please visit:
OAG [ ], a UBM Aviation
[ ] brand, is the trusted source for
aviation information and analytical services. OAG's leading aviation
databases are unrivalled in their scale, accuracy and
comprehensiveness and are integral to the world's aviation industry
operations. For more information, visit:
For further press information:
Sue Davidson (present at the World Route Development Forum)
Mobile: +44(0)7769-672-755
Sarah Dixon / Mary Donovan
Telephone: +44(0)1582-600-111
Marc Cornelius / Trudi Beggs
80:20 Communications
Telephone: +44(0)1483-447380
E-Mail: /
ots Originaltext: OAG
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