Preclinical Data Support the Potential of AmVacs RSV Vaccine / Innovative approach to the prevention of severe respiratory infections
Geschrieben am 29-10-2012 |
Zug, Switzerland (ots) - AmVac AG has announced that it has made
decisive progress in the development of their new RSV vaccine. The
vaccine candidate is based on AmVac's innovative Sendai virus vector
platform and developed for the prevention of respiratory infections,
which are induced by RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).
RSV is one of the most common causes of bronchiolitis and
pneumonia and the most common reason for hospitalisation of children
worldwide. Overall, in the seven largest pharmaceutical markets, more
than 18 million people are affected by severe RSV infections.
In close cooperation with the internationally recognised expert on
RSV, Prof.ssa Grazia Cusi and her team from the Institute of Virology
at the University of Siena, Italy, AmVac has recently recorded
excellent preclinical data on the efficacy and safety of its
innovative RSV vaccine. Furthermore, the partners have successfully
completed the evaluation of different vaccine types and selected a
particularly promising candidate (AMV602) for further development. In
relevant model systems it was shown that AMV602 induces a stable
immune protection against RSV. It activates both of the body's own
defense mechanisms: first, the humoral immune response, in which
antibodies play a central role, and second, the cellular immune
system with helper and cytotoxic T cells as the main actors.
This balanced activation of the body's own defense mechanisms
distinguishes the AmVac vaccine candidate quite clearly from all the
other projects in this field that have been developed and tested.
Most of them were discontinued because of adverse effects, which were
mainly due to a one-sided activation of the immune system.
"Our results indicate that our vaccine is not only very effective
but also very safe and well tolerated. For the first time millions of
people who currently cannot be treated effectively, could be
protected preventively," said Melinda Karpati, CEO of AmVac AG.
At present, an expensive antibody therapy, which is of limited
effectiveness, is the only treatment option. According to
Datamonitor, an effective, ambulatory deployed RSV vaccine could
reduce the number of cases and deaths significantly and achieve peak
sales of more than one billion U.S. dollars.
AmVac will continue to develop its vaccine candidate AMV602
rapidly and plans to begin clinical trials before the end of 2013.
About AmVac
AmVac AG is a biopharmaceutical company that develops and markets
innovative vaccines. With headquarters in Switzerland, research
laboratories in Germany and Italy as well as a production facility in
Hungary, the company concentrates leading European expertise in its
field. AmVac's portfolio currently includes five vaccine candidates
and three platform technologies - Gynevac, Sendai and MALP - that are
licensed out to a Hungarian partner and top German institutes in the
Helmholtz and Max Planck Societies. AmVac's leading product has
already been approved for selected indications and regions and is
currently widely developed for the treatment of particularly frequent
urogenital diseases. With its incomparably high safety profile it was
able for the first time to provide an effective and virtually
side-effect free therapy or prevention of benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis, bacterial vaginosis and
trichomoniasis. Other vaccine candidates are currently in preclinical
development. Target indications are respiratory infections, as well
as seasonal and pandemic influenza.
AmVac AG
Metallstrasse 4
6300 Zug/Switzerland
Tel.: +41-41-725-32-30
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