L'Oréal Inaugurates its Largest Factory in the World in Indonesia to Meet Fast-rising Demand in the South-East Asian Beauty Market
Geschrieben am 07-11-2012 |
Jababeka, Indonesia (ots/PRNewswire) -
L'Oreal invests EUR 100 million in the first LEED
certified factory in
L'Oreal announced today the opening of its largest factory in the
world. The 66,000 m2 building is located at the Jababeka Industrial
Estate, West Java, Indonesia, around 60 kilometers east of Jakarta.
With a staged investment totalling EUR 100 million (approximately IDR
1.25 trillion), this new factory will serve as the production hub for
the South-East Asian region.
To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:
"As we have been successfully operating a factory In Indonesia
since 1986, the country is therefore the clear choice for L'Oreal's
ASEAN production hub," said Jean-Philippe Blanpain, L'Oreal's
Executive Vice-President of Operations. "Building our largest factory
in Indonesia once again demonstrates our dedication to providing
Indonesians and the markets in the ASEAN region products with
superior quality and value."
In line with the Group's ambition to reach one billion new
consumers in the next ten years, the factory will respond to
increased market demand in Indonesia and ASEAN, which represents new
frontiers of growth for L'Oreal.
"With the highest growth of the Group in Asia Pacific, Indonesia
is a key contributor to the L'Oreal objective of reaching one billion
new consumers. The Jababeka plant reflects our confidence in the
continuous expansion of the Indonesian market and our strong
commitment to the country," said Jochen Zaumseil, L'Oreal's Executive
Vice-President, Asia Pacific Zone.
State-of-the-art facility dedicated to consumer products
L'Oreal's first factory in Indonesia was established in 1986 in
the suburb of Ciracas, Jakarta. Due to the tremendous growth
experienced over the last 4 years, it was decided to build a new and
larger facility, and to transfer all the activities to the Jababeka
Making a total of 43 L'Oreal factories worldwide, the new
Jababeka plant will manufacture hair and skin care products for the
mass market brands, L'Oreal Paris and Garnier. 30% of the production
will cater to the domestic market while 70% will be distributed to
all other countries in the South-East Asian region.
In 2013, the plant will produce 200 million units and has an
installed capacity of 300 million units with the potential to reach
up to 500 million units per year. The plant features state-of-the-art
facilities including high-speed production lines, processing tanks
with automatic recipes management, a lighting system based on
movement detection and an advanced technology water treatment plant
which is currently under development.
Commitment to sustainable development
The Jababeka plant is the first LEED certified factory in
Indonesia and has been built following LEED requirements. These
consist of a US standard which defines excellence in terms of design
and building construction process with regard to key aspects of
sustainability including water and energy efficiencies, atmosphere
management, materials and resources utilization and environmental
Since 2005, L'Oreal Indonesia has reduced waste and water
consumption per unit by 52%, and CO2 emissions per unit by 38%. The
goal is to decrease absolute CO2 emissions by 50% from 2005 to 2015
(from 2,000 to 1,000 tons).
Contribution to the local people and economy
L'Oreal employs nearly 800 people in Indonesia with almost 450 of
them working at the new factory in Jababeka. Throughout the transfer
process of the factory, L'Oreal has succeeded in retaining 96% of its
existing employees from the former factory in Ciracas. In order to
facilitate the move to the Jababeka premises 40 km away, L'Oreal
provided employees with transfer and housing incentives. A total of
262 employees and their families have now become home owners in the
surrounding areas of the new factory.
In addition, the factory, which plans to expand according to
market needs, will use local materials and suppliers as much as
Mohamad S. Hidayat, Minister of Industry of the Republic of
Indonesia stated, "The government of Indonesia appreciates the
strategic decision taken by the L'Oreal Group in supporting the
development of the industrial sector in Indonesia, specifically the
beauty industry, by opening their largest factory in Indonesia."
For more information, please visit
FilesContent.Outlook4HBLL3WFwww.beauty-indonesia.com ]
About L'Oreal
L'Oreal, the world's leading beauty company, has catered to all
forms of beauty in the world for over 100 years and has built an
unrivalled portfolio of 27 international, diverse and complementary
brands. With sales amounting to 20.3 billion euros in 2011, L'Oreal
employs 68,900 people worldwide. Regarding sustainable development,
Corporate Knights, a Global Responsible Investment Network, has
selected L'Oreal for its 2012 ranking of the Global 100 Most
Sustainable Corporations in the World. L'Oreal has received this
distinction for the 5th consecutive year. http://www.loreal.com
About L'Oreal Indonesia
In Indonesia, L'Oreal has been present since 1979 and is now
operating through two entities: PT L'Oreal Indonesia, which handles
marketing and distribution activities, and PT Yasulor Indonesia,
which focuses on manufacturing operations. L'Oreal brands in
Indonesia comprise of: L'Oreal Professionel; Kerastase Paris; Matrix;
L'Oreal Paris; Maybelline New York; Garnier; Lancome; Biotherm; Shu
Uemura; Yves Saint Laurent; Kiehl's; perfumery which includes Giorgio
Armani, Ralph Lauren, and Diesel; and The Body Shop which is
distributed by a third party agent. http://www.loreal.co.id [
Internet FilesDavid.QUETINwww.loreal.co.id ]
International Press Contact:
Carolyn Giang
+ 33(0)1-47-56-8788 - carolyn.giang@loreal.com
ots Originaltext: L'Oréal
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
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