EANS-Voting Rights: GSW Immobilien AG / Release according to article 26, section
1 WpHG (Securities Trading Act) with the aim of Europe-wide distribution
Geschrieben am 29-11-2012 |
Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG (share)
On November, 27 2012 GSW Immobilien AG has received voting rights notifications
(Stimmrechtsmitteilungen) pursuant to sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG in the name and on
behalf of the following entities having the following content:
Credit Suisse Group AG (Zurich, Switzerland) has notified us that its voting
rights in GSW Immobilien AG exceeded the threshold of 3% on 21-November-2012
and amounts to 4.53% (2,288,157 voting rights) as per this date. Of these
voting rights 0.68% (343,553 voting rights) are to be attributed to the company
pursuant to section 22 para.(1)sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG and 3.85% of the voting
rights (1,944,604 voting rights) pursuant to sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 in
connection with sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 2 WpHG.
Credit Suisse AG (Zurich, Switzerland) has notified us that its voting rights
in GSW Immobilien AG exceeded the threshold of 3% on 21-November-2012 and
amounts to 4.53% (2,288,157 voting rights) as per this date. Of these voting
rights 0.68% (343,553 voting rights) are to be attributed to the company
pursuant to section 22 para.(1)sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG and 3.85% of the voting
rights (1,944,604 voting rights) pursuant to sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 in
connection with sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 2 WpHG.
Banco de Investimentos Credit Suisse (Brasil) S.A. (Sao Paulo, Brazil) has
notified us that its voting rights in GSW Immobilien AG exceeded the threshold
of 3% on 21-November-2012 and amounts to 3.79% (1,916,394 voting rights) as per
this date. Of these voting rights 3.79% (1,916,394 voting rights) are to be
attributed to the company pursuant to sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 in
connection with sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 2 WpHG.
Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Investimentos S.A. (Sao Paulo, Brazil) has
notified us that its voting rights in GSW Immobilien AG exceeded the threshold
of 3% on 21-November-2012 and amounts to 3.79% (1,916,394 voting rights) as per
this date. Of these voting rights 3.79% (1,916,394 voting rights) are to be
attributed to the company pursuant to sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 in
connection with sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 2 WpHG.
Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Servicos Internacionais S.A.(Sao Paulo, Brazil)
has notified us that its voting rights in GSW Immobilien AG exceeded the
threshold of 3% on 21-November-2012 and amounts to 3.79% (1,916,394 voting
rights) as per this date. Of these voting rights 3.79% (1,916,394 voting
rights) are to be attributed to the company pursuant to
sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 in connection with sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 2 WpHG.
Further inquiry note:
Kati Pohl
Tel.: +49 30 25 34-13 40
E-Mail: Kati.Pohl@gsw.de
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: GSW Immobilien AG
Charlottenstr. 4
D-10969 Berlin
phone: +49 30 68 99 99 0
FAX: +49 30 68 99 99 999
mail: kundenservice@gsw.de
WWW: http://www.gsw.de
sector: Real Estate
ISIN: DE000GSW1111
indexes: MDAX
stockmarkets: regulated dealing: Berlin, regulated dealing/prime standard:
language: English
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