EANS-News: PI Power International Limited / Jersey Court Gives its Decision in
Litigation with Former Director
Geschrieben am 25-01-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands (euro adhoc) - Jersey/Vienna
January 24, 2013 - The Board of Directors of PI Power International
Limited (PI) announces that it has been informed of the decision of
the Royal Court of Jersey in the proceedings brought by former
director Björn Pirrwitz for a payment on his removal from the Board
of Directors of the Company at the extraordinary general meeting of
April 2009, in the amount of EUR 700,000 plus interest and costs. PI
defended that claim, on various grounds, and also brought a third
party claim against the former chairman of the Board of Directors of
the Company, Wolfgang Vilsmeier, seeking an indemnity from him in the
event that the Company was held to be liable to Mr. Pirrwitz. The
Court decided in favor of Mr. Pirrwitz in relation to his claim for a
payment pursuant to his removal from the Board of Directors and
against PI regarding its third party claim with its former chairman.
The Board of Directors is disappointed with this outcome, and
considers it entirely inconsistent with all advice it received. The
Board is considering its options with respect to these matters and
will inform the certificate holders when further information is
Further inquiry note:
Mick Stempel
Metrum Communications
T: +43 (1) 504 69 87-385
E-mail: m.stempel@metrum.at
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: PI Power International Limited
1st Floor, 7 Bond Street
A-JE2 3NP St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands
mail: info@powerinternational.eu
WWW: www.powerinternational.eu
sector: Energy
ISIN: AT0000A05W59
indexes: other listings
stockmarkets: Third Market: Wien
language: English
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Corporate News übermittelt durch euro adhoc. Für den Inhalt ist der
Emittent/Meldungsgeber verantwortlich.
St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands (euro adhoc) - Jersey/Wien,
24.1.2013 - Das Board of Directors der PI Power International Limited
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Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
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Person/company obliged to make the notification:
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EUR 50,000,000 Floating Rate Notes due January 2015 / EUR 50.000.000
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einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent
Anleihe: EUR 10.000.000 DZ BANK Inhaber-Teilschuldverschreibung mit
Aktienandienungsrecht auf BASF SE von 2013/2013;
Valuta: 14.01.2013
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