EANS-News: Hoeft & Wessel AG repositions itself
Geschrieben am 14-02-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Subtitle: - Preliminary figures for 2012 better than expected
- New faces at the helm
- Partnership with Zollner Elektronik to be intensified
annual result
Hannover/Germany, 14/02/2013. (euro adhoc) - According to preliminary
figures for the year 2012 Hoeft & Wessel AG will achieve EUR 79.9
million (+ 2.5 %) in sales revenues, more than expected, and the
Company's operating result, at -EUR 7.9 million (+ 19 %), will also
be better than the figure forecast.
The preliminary business figures for 2012 also reflect the successes
of the restructuring initiated in mid-2012. Within the scope of a
complex and integrated programme, improvement potentials of over
EUR 10 million were identified and translated into more than 770
savings measures for realisation. These had already been implemented
to an extent of almost more than 60 per cent at the end of 2012 and
will be completed by mid-2013.
At the turn of the year Hoeft & Wessel AG concluded the restrictive
phase of its restructuring and entered the so-called constructive
phase, which will be drawing to a close in the summer of the current
Michael Hoeft resigned from the Board of Management as of 31/12/2012
and Rolf Wessel from the Supervisory Board in December 2012. At the
beginning of 2013 H & W Holding GmbH handed over 24.9 per cent of its
shares in Hoeft & Wessel AG to a trustee.
At the beginning of 2013, Hoeft & Wessel for this reason largely
completed its reorientation that commenced early in 2012. The core
business of this technology enterprise is now handled by three
processes defined as order procurement, defining solutions, executing
orders as well as supporting services. By means of this optimisation
of internal processes, Hoeft & Wessel AG has further improved its
orientation towards meeting customer needs.
As a result, it was possible to further simplify the organisation
structure. In future Rudolf Spiller will be in charge of the Company
as a single member of the Board. Spiller's contract was renewed until
the end of 2014. Immediately below the Board of Management, in future
there will be a management level comprising five Managers, who will
be responsible for the operations of the Company with a stock market
listing. After the Board of Management had been newly staffed in
mid-2012, managerial positions in the top-level leadership will also
be replaced.
In order to continue expanding its competitive position even further,
Hoeft & Wessel AG requires support within the scope of the product
origination process. For this reason, the close and long-standing
partnership with Zollner Elektronik AG, a company with a global reach
based in Zandt (Bavaria/Germany), will be further extended. Thanks to
the broadly based and diversified industry positioning and large
variety of technology solutions of this family enterprise, Hoeft &
Wessel AG stabilises a competent partnership. As a result, objectives
such as reduced production and delivery times as well as a further
improvement in quality can be achieved on an optimum and sustainable
With its successful restructuring programme, the forward-looking
reorientation as well as the new leadership structure and team, Hoeft
& Wessel AG now perceives good prospects of achieving the business
turnaround in 2013 and being able to finalise a long-term refinancing
Further inquiry note:
Arnd Fritzemeier
Tel.: +49-511-6102-300
E-Mail: PR@hoeft-wessel.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Höft & Wessel AG
Rotenburger Str. 20
D-30659 Hannover
phone: +49-511-6102-0
FAX: +49-511-6102-411
mail: ir@hoeft-wessel.com
WWW: http://www.hoeft-wessel.com
sector: Technology
ISIN: DE0006011000
indexes: Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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