
EANS-News: Balda plans additional special dividend of EUR 88 million (with document)

Geschrieben am 14-03-2013

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Dividend Announcements/Distribution/Dividend

Bad Oeynhausen (euro adhoc) - * Supervisory Board and Management
Board plan proposing distribution of EUR 1.50 per share to Annual
General Meeting in autumn * Proceeds from the sale of remaining stake
in TPK to be passed on to shareholders in full * CEO Dominik Müser:
"Even after the distribution, Balda will be able to keep growing."

Bad Oeynhausen, 14 March 2013 - Balda AG plans its third special
dividend in two years. The Supervisory Board of the international
manufacturer of high-quality plastics products for various industrial
applications voted in today's meeting to approve the Management
Board's plan to pay a special dividend of EUR 1.50 per share for the
current financial year 2012/2013 (reporting date: 30 June).

Assuming that the Annual General Meeting votes in favor, EUR 88.3
million would be distributed this autumn. This corresponds to nearly
the full proceeds of EUR 89.2 million (final amount after translation
of proceeds into euros) from the sale in January of the Balda Group's
remaining two-percent stake in touch screen manufacturer TPK Holding.

The Supervisory Board issued its approval after a thorough analysis
of the medium-term planning for the Balda Group submitted by the
Management Board based on the growth strategy approved in 2012, which
projects a medium-term increase in consolidated sales to EUR 150 to
200 million to be achieved mainly by making focused acquisitions.
This buy-and-build strategy is based on the Group's excellent
liquidity, which provides the Group ample room to maneuver.

In the 2012 calendar year, Balda AG distributed two special dividends
totaling EUR 3.30 per share after the sale of the blocks of TPK
shares. Along with the planned additional special dividend, the
distribution would amount to EUR 4.80 per share or around EUR 283
million. This would be approximately 59% of the total of roughly EUR
482 million accruing since February 2012 from the three sales of TPK

Dominik Müser, Chief Executive Officer of Balda AG: "The Group's
excellent financial position allows us to once again pass on the
gains from the TPK sales to our shareholders. This correlates with
our belief that our shareholders are entitled to funds not required
to implement operations or strategy. Despite the planned additional
distribution, we are in a position to further pursue our corporate
expansion and value-growth strategy as planned. Initial successes are
already evident."

About Balda Balda is a provider of first-class solutions for
demanding, high-quality applications in the fields of medical
technology, optics, the automotive industry and other specialist
industrial sectors. The Group's Balda Medical and Balda Technical
operating divisions have operations worldwide, and the company
maintains production facilities in Germany, the USA and Malaysia. The
success of Balda, which employs more than 1,700 people, is based on
the deployment of leading-edge, cost-effective technologies, coupled
with the trust-based collaboration with customers. The Balda AG share
(ISIN: DE0005215107) is listed on the SDAX segment of Deutsche Börse.
{www.balda.de}[HYPERLINK: http://www.balda.de]
{www.balda-medical.de}[HYPERLINK: http://www.balda-medical.de]

Attachments with Announcement:

Further inquiry note:
Frank Elsner
Frank Elsner Kommunikation für Unternehmen GmbH
Tel.: +49 - 54 04 - 91 92 0
Fax: +49 - 54 04 - 91 92 29
Mail: office@elsner-kommunikation.de

end of announcement euro adhoc

Attachments with Announcement:

company: Balda Aktiengesellschaft
Bergkirchener Str. 228
D-32549 Bad Oeynhausen
phone: +49 (0) 5734 9 22-0
FAX: +49 (0) 5734 922-2604
mail: info@balda.de
WWW: http://www.balda.de
sector: Semiconductors & active components
ISIN: DE0005215107
indexes: SDAX, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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