
ACP Axos Capital GmbH Consortium to acquire 75% of PTK, the incumbent telecom operator in the Republic of Kosovo

Geschrieben am 23-04-2013

Hamburg (ots) - ACP Axos Capital GmbH Consortium with its European
and US investors has been declared the winner of the privatization
process conducted by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo for 75%
of the shares of Post and Telecommunications of Kosovo J. S. C.
(PTK). The results of the bidding process were announced on April 18
by the Government Privatization Committee of Kosovo.

ACP Axos Capital is cooperating with International Financial
Institutions, including the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD), and Deutsche Investitions- und
Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG) who have expressed high interest in
supporting this important privatization project. BT Group and Telecom
Italia provide advisory services to the consortium.

Headquarters will remain in Pristina and PTK will maintain its own
corporate status. All core business and operational functions will
continue to be directed from Kosovo. The consortium's investments in
PTK will create infrastructure development and employment
opportunities for Kosovo citizens. As PTK evolves into a market
driven competitive business, PTK customers will be excited to take
advantage of an increased product portfolio, improved fixed and
mobile broadband and voice options, international connectivity and
Kosovo's own telephone code, faster speeds, better rates, and
significant upgrades to the quality of service.

"The PTK privatization process will be watched with interest by
Western investors" said ACP Axos Capital Managing Director Jan
Budden. "We are taking the lead in what we expect to be many further
investments of capital from Western Europe and the US in Kosovo's
economic growth. Our goal is to make Kosovo an integral member of the
global communication society. We are thrilled to have BT and TI, two
of the most accomplished telecom operators on the international
stage, as advisors to the consortium."

In a joint declaration the embassies commented: "By confirming the
offer of ACP Axos Capital GmbH for Post and Telecommunications of
Kosovo (PTK), the government of Kosovo has undertaken an important
step towards strengthening its economic development."

"This privatization aims to send a signal to serious international
investors, informing them on Kosovo's economic sustainability and
favorable business environment," says the Ministry of Economic
Development of the Republic of Kosovo. "It is the most important step
in the road to modernizing our society."

For further information:




We will be happy to provide interview partners. Please contact us.

Press contact:
Katja Derow
+49 162 4311 376


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