Saxo Bank's Kim Fournais Reveals that Passion, Determination and Team Work are Secrets to Happiness in Life
Geschrieben am 08-07-2013 |
Hellerup, Denmark (ots/PRNewswire) -
Saxo Bank [ ], the multi-asset
online trading and investment specialist, is launching an additional
film as part of the [ ]
project featuring Saxo Bank's two founders and CEOs. The additional
film will run simultaneously with the Bank's trading competition, [ ],
designed to challenge margin traders.
To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:
Like the original films, which captured the spirit of Team
Saxo-Tinkoff and took two accolades at the 2013 Telly Awards, this
exclusive and intimate portrait of co-founder and co-CEO, Kim
Fournais, is directed by Jim Piercy and shot by Fredrik Clement. In
the film, Kim Fournais tells the story of Saxo Bank and shares what
is most important to him in his everyday work at Saxo Bank: "For me
it boils down to execution, I am rather execution oriented - I want
to see things happening."
Strong passion and the will to constantly improve are both key
factors according to Fournais, who also explains the importance of
team work when building a successful and winning business. Kim
Fournais concludes by sharing his favourite things: "My family makes
me very happy; my work makes me happy; going out getting fresh air on
a bicycle makes me happy - there are many things, I am a pretty happy
Watch the new film Kim Fournais at:
The competition started on July 1 and is running
through to July 19 alongside the Tour de France, which finishes in
Paris on July 21. Traders can still join for free and get full access
to over 30,000 instruments on the SaxoTrader platforms: SaxoTrader,
SaxoWebTrader and SaxoTrader Apps for mobile and tablets. Trading
options include 160 FX crosses, futures, options and CFDs.
Saxo Bank will publish daily results of the leading traders
locally and globally on the competition website. Each week, the
global trader with the biggest gain in total amount will receive a
prize, ranging from Saxo-Tinkoff Windstopper Jackets to Saxo-Tinkoff
Bodyfit Pro Team Jerseys.
The highest-ranking participant overall from select regions will
win a V.I.P experience at the finale of La Vuelta later in the year,
including a ride in the sports directors car during one of the last
laps in Madrid. The regions included are Denmark, Spain, UK, Middle
East, Italy, France and South Africa.
The global winner of the competition will receive a piece of Tour
de France history: Alberto Contador's Tour de France bike, a
Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL4.
About Saxo Bank
Saxo Bank is a leading online trading [
rex?csref=b1744_Link_boilerplate_pressrelease ] and investment
specialist, offering private investors and institutional clients a
complete set of tools for their trading and investment strategies. A
fully licensed and regulated European bank, Saxo Bank enables clients
to trade FX, CFDs [
lerplate_pressrelease ], ETFs, Stocks, Futures, Options and other
derivatives via three specialised and fully integrated multi-asset
trading platforms [
Link_boilerplate_pressrelease ]; the browser-based SaxoWebTrader, the
downloadable SaxoTrader and the SaxoTrader app. The platforms are
available in over 20 languages and are white-labelled by more than
100 major financial institutions worldwide. Saxo Bank also offers
professional portfolio and fund management as well as traditional
banking services through Saxo Privatbank. Founded in 1992, the Saxo
Bank Group is headquartered in Copenhagen with 23 local offices
throughout Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Africa and
Media enquiries
Kasper Elbjorn
Head of Group Public Relations
Saxo Bank
MHP Communications
ots Originaltext: Saxo Bank (Switzerland) SA
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