DGAP-Adhoc: CANCOM increases profit by more than 20 percent in q2
Geschrieben am 24-07-2013 |
CANCOM SE / Key word(s): Preliminary Results
24.07.2013 16:51
Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
CANCOM increases profit by more than 20 percent in q2
- Group revenues q2/2013: EUR 140.0 million (+10.2 percent)
- Group EBITDA q2/2013: EUR 7.8 million (+21.9 percent)
- Group EBT q2/2013: EUR 5.3 million (+20.5 percent)
Munich, Germany, 24 July 2013 - With publishing provisional figures for the
first half of 2013 CANCOM SE shows continuing growth in revenues and
profits year-on-year. Especially the second quarter grew more dynamically
and therefore significantly outperformed the first three months of the
current financial year.
In detail, the group's consolidated sales revenues for q2 were up to EUR
140.0 million according to the provisional figures and compared to EUR
127.0 million in 2012. This is equivalent to an increase of 10.2 percent.
Consolidated EBITDA according to the provisional figures for the second
quarter was EUR 7.8 million, 21.9 percent higher than the figure of EUR 6.4
million recorded in q2/2012. Respectively the EBITDA margin is 5.6 percent
as compared with 5.0 percent in 2012 and shows the group's increased
profitability. The consolidated EBT figure for q2 is EUR 5.3 million,
compared with EUR 4.4 million in the second quarter of 2012 - a plus of
20.5 percent.
For the first six months of the current financial year the group's
consolidated sales revenues reached EUR 275.1 million compared to EUR 268.1
million in the previous year. This shows an organic growth of 2.6 percent.
Consolidated EBITDA according to the provisional figures was EUR 14.8
million, about 10.4 percent higher than the figure of EUR 13.4 million
recorded in the first half of 2012. The EBITDA margin was up from 5.0
percent in 2012 to 5.4 percent. Consolidated EBT according to the
provisional figures for the first half of 2013 amounts to EUR 9.8 million
compared to EUR 9.2 million in the first half of 2012 - an increase of 6.5
In contrast to the classical project business, the implementation of cloud
projects does not often result in immediate sales and earnings.
Nevertheless, once these projects have been completed, these customer
services generate a long term safe and steady cash flow for CANCOM. Hence
the growing business with cloud solutions will lead to a shift in revenues
and profits in the short term. On a long term basis we expect this business
to increase the Group's profitability. In spite of this effect and run-up
costs for projects, revenues and profit for q2/2013 outperformed the
previous year significantly.
The full 6-months-report 2013 will be published on 13 August 2013 at
Beate Rosenfeld
Manager Corporate Communication
Erika-Mann-Straße 69
80636 München
Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 54054 5193
mail to: beate.rosenfeld@cancom.de
Language: English
Company: CANCOM SE
Erika-Mann-Straße 69
80636 München
Phone: +49-(0)89/54054-0
Fax: +49-(0)89/54054-5119
E-mail: info@cancom.de
Internet: http://www.cancom.de
ISIN: DE0005419105
WKN: 541910
Indices: TecDAX
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr
in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München, Stuttgart
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24.07.2013 16:51
Veröffentlichung einer Ad-hoc-Mitteilung nach § 15 WpHG, übermittelt durch
die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EQS Group AG.
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
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