
EANS-Information of Significance: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft / Sales revenues increase despite difficult market conditions

Geschrieben am 14-08-2013

Information Of Significance transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a
Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content
of this announcement.

6-month report


Press release / Main company information

Gleisdorf, August 14, 2013. In the first half of 2013, Binder+Co,
the international specialist for processing, environmental and
packaging technology, which has its headquarters in
Gleisdorf/Austria, was able to raise its sales revenues by 23.4%,
although owing to initial losses at subsidiaries still in the
development phase, EBIT was below the level of the previous year at
EUR 2.3 million. Once again, solid order intake was achieved in spite
of an increasingly difficult market climate.

Karl Grabner, from the Binder+Co Management Board: “Even though our new
subsidiaries placed a burden on EBIT, we concluded the first half-year in a
highly satisfactory manner with an increase in sales revenues of 23.4%.
Moreover, in recent years we have laid the foundations for the long-term
development of Binder+Co through increasing internationalization, as exemplified
in the second quarter of 2013 by the start of full operative business at our new
Binder+Co Machinery (Tianjin) Ltd. subisidiary. However, it should be added that
at present we see a deterioration in market conditions and a marked increase in
competitive pressure.”

During the first half of 2013, the tangible upward trend in Binder-Co order
intake of the fourth quarter 2012 eased considerably. All in all, in the first
six months of the year, Binder+Co, acquired new orders worth EUR 37.95 million,
which constituted a fall of 19.0% over the comparative period of 2012. By
contrast, on the basis of the solid order backlog of EUR 40.16 million at the
beginning of the year, the group was able to attain sales revenues of EUR 46.22
million in the first half-year, which represented a 23.4% increase (H1/2012: EUR
37.46 million). However, scheduled initial losses at the Comec-Binder S.r.l.,
Bublon GmbH und Binder+Co Machinery (Tianjin) Ltd. subsidiaries, which are all
in the development phase, placed a burden on EBIT, which although at the
satisfactory level of EUR 2.33 million was 22.6% down on the figure for the
previous year (H1/2012: EUR 3.01 million).

As far as new business was concerned, demand in all three segments continued to
focus almost exclusively on single machines to the virtual exclusion of systems
and plants. Order backlog as at June 30, 2013 amounted to EUR 31.86 million,
which was 16.6% lower than the value for the previous year (June 30, 2012: EUR
38.19 million).

In the first half of 2012, Processing Technology, which is
traditionally the strongest segment, again provided the largest share
of group sales revenues with EUR 19.46 million. However, its result
was negatively affected by the aforementioned, anticipated initial
losses from the young subsidiaries allotted to this segment. The
contribution to sales revenues of the Environmental Technology
Segment, which focuses on sorting machines for glass and plastics
recycling, totalled EUR 13.63 million and was therefore 7.2% up on
the level of the preceding year. The segment result also surpassed
the good 2012 figure. The Packaging Technology Segment, which is
managed by the independent subsidiary Statec Binder GmbH, achieved
sales revenues of EUR 13.3 million in the first half of 2013. As
compared to the same period of 2012, this represented growth of
140.0%, which was also reflected by a notable improvement in the
result. In all three segments, the share of high-margin spare part
and services business remained constant at a high level.

Solid order backlog provides a positive outlook Order backlog as at
June 30, 2013 stood at EUR 31.86 million and although this figure was
down on last year (June 30, 2012: EUR 38.19 million), it still offers
a solid basis for further development in the 2013 financial year. The
Binder+Co management therefore assumes that sales revenues and the
result for 2013 can be maintained at the level of the preceding year.

Workforce enlarged In the wake of the increasing internationalization
of the Binder+Co Group, as opposed to the end of 2012, as at June 30,
2013, workforce numbers had risen by a further 6.5% to 362.

Further investments at the Gleisdorf location The new and rebuilding
projects commenced at the Gleisdorf location in 2012 continued during
H1/2013 with investment amounting to EUR 2.13 million.

The Binder+Co share eases considerably Following considerable rises
in past years, the first half of 2013 saw the price of the Binder
share, which is traded on the mid market of the Vienna Stock
Exchange, fall by 24.4% from EUR 27.50 at the beginning of the year,
to EUR 20.80 at the end of the period under review.

The Binder+Co Group Binder+Co is a specialist in the field of
processing, environmental and packaging technology and the world
market leader in the screening and glass recycling segments. The
company was listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange at the end of 2006
and is now part of the Third Market in the mid market segment. The
Binder+Co Group consists of Binder+Co AG, the three fully owned
subsidiaries Comec-Binder S.r.l., Bublon GmbH and Binder+Co Machinery
(Tianjin) Ltd., as well as the Statec Binder GmbH joint venture
(50.7%). In 2010, Binder+Co was awarded the Austrian National
Innovation Prize for its successful implementation of inventive
capacity and in 2011 received the Austrian National Prize for Work
Safety for its introduction of special accident prevention measures
for apprentices. In the same year, the company was also honoured with
the Best Open Innovator Award of the Zeppelin University
Friedrichshafen as the top SME in the D-A-CH region.

Further inquiry note:
Karl Grabner, Member of the Management Board
Phone: +43/3112/800-363

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft
Grazerstraße 19-25
A-8200 Gleisdorf
phone: +43 3112 800-363
FAX: +43 3112 800-320
mail: karl.grabner@binder-co.at
WWW: www.binder-co.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
indexes: mid market
stockmarkets: Third Market: Wien
language: English


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