Jacek Dziecielak appointed new CEO of Media Impact Polska
Geschrieben am 01-10-2013 |
Zürich (ots) -
- Cross-reference: Picture is available at
http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs -
As of December 1, 2013 Jacek Dziecielak (44) will take over as
Chief Executive Officer of Media Impact Polska. Grupa Onet.pl SA and
Ringier Axel Springer Poland has joined their sales forces and
created the advertising-sales organization called Media Impact Polska
in Poland. The new entity will be launched in Q4 2013.
Jacek Dziecielak is a highly experienced media and communication
specialist. In 2001 Dziecielak joined HAVAS Group, one of the leading
media groups in Poland, where he was responsible for the development
of media contacts. From 2003 he managed the media house Havas Media
and Havas Media Group in Poland, which includes Arena Media
Communications and Havas Sports & Entertainment. Prior to this he
worked in marketing and sales since 1996 for Kostrzyn Paper SA (now
Arctic Paper SA).
Jacek Dziecielak is a graduate of Maritime University in Szczecin.
He studied General Management at CEDEP/INSEAD in France and holds an
MBA from University of Calgary.
Media Impact Polska, the new 50/50 Joint Venture between Grupa
Onet.pl SA and Ringier Axel Springer Poland, which combines the broad
portfolio of strong brands from both companies, will be even more
client-focused. Special sales teams with experts from both companies
will offer individually customized services such as 360-degree
Grupa Onet is the top content destination in Poland with an online
reach of monthly over 14.3 million users and 2.2 billion page views
in total, leading video inventory, leading mobile platform, as well
as multiple context and audience based customized solutions for
clients. Ringier Axel Springer Poland is a leading media company with
strong online- and print brands like Fakt, Przeglad Sportowy,
Newsweek and Forbes. Its websites reach together over 6 million users
and 100 million page views per month. 1)
Ringier Axel Springer Media AG holds 75% of the shares in the
leading Polish online portal Onet.pl.
1) Megapanel, July 2013
About Ringier Axel Springer Media AG:
Ringier Axel Springer Media AG was founded in 2010 by the Swiss
Ringier AG and the German Axel Springer AG and bundles the two
shareholders' activities in Central and Eastern Europe. The company
operates in the four growth markets of Poland, the Czech Republic,
Slovakia and Serbia with a broad media portfolio made up of more than
130 online and print services. The company has its headquarters in
Zurich and employs a total of around 3,100 people.
Press contact:
Alexandra Delvenakiotis
Head of Corporate Communications
Ringier Axel Springer Media AG
Phone +41 44 267 29 14
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Ab 1. Dezember 2013 übernimmt Jacek Dziecielak (44) als CEO die
Geschäftsleitung von Media Impact Polska. Grupa Onet.pl SA und
Ringier Axel Springer Poland verstärken ihre Kooperation im Bereich
der Werbevermarktung und schaffen die integrierte Sales-Organisation
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