EANS-Adhoc: BWT Aktiengesellschaft / Profit Warning
BWT lowers earnings outlook for 2013
Geschrieben am 10-10-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Earnings Forecast/Company Information
- Outlook on net earnings lowered to EUR 10 million after roughly EUR
14 million in 2012
Mondsee, 10.10.2013. Continuing difficult market conditions in the
market for public swimming pools in Germany and Austria weigh on
earnings of the BWT Group in the current financial year over
expectations. Lower income and one-time costs associated with
necessary capacity adjustments as well as optimisation and reduction
of company locations and the product portfolio will burden group net
results in 2013 with EUR 4 million.
Therefore, the management board expects net earnings of EUR 10
million for the current financial year 2013 after EUR 14 million in
the previous year. Consolidated revenues of the BWT Group are
expected at around EUR 500 million for 2013.
Further inquiry note:
BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Mag. Ralf Burchert
Tel.: 06232/5011-1113
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Walter-Simmer-Str. 4
A-5310 Mondsee
phone: 06232/5011-0
FAX: 06232/4058
mail: office@bwt.at
WWW: www.bwt-group.com
sector: Water Supply
ISIN: AT0000737705
indexes: Standard Market Auction
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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