2014 International Summit of Cooperatives Program Unveiled
Geschrieben am 23-10-2013 |
Quebec City (ots/PRNewswire) -
Current topics and vital issues!
The 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives just unveiled a
diverse and relevant program. From October 6 to 9, presentations,
forums, and round tables will allow participants from around the
world to discuss subjects that speak to cooperatives and mutuals of
the 21st century.
"The themes for this second edition of the Summit were selected to
promote the strengthening of cooperative businesses while addressing
major global challenges. The Summit is thus continuing its mission to
identify the main business issues facing cooperative businesses and
mutuals and provide them with solutions to encourage their
development and improve their performance," said Monique F. Leroux,
president and CEO of Desjardins Group, the Summit co-host. "We wish
once again to ensure that the benefits of the cooperative model are
promoted worldwide," continued Dame Pauline Green, president of the
International Co-operative Alliance, also the Summit co-host.
Under the theme "Cooperatives' Power of Innovation," the program
will promote discussion between leaders of cooperatives and mutuals,
leaders of non-cooperative businesses, experts, leading international
authorities, political leaders, and representatives of international
Areas where cooperatives can make a difference:
View the Summit video
[https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ldabzrk6xlqyt1/MASTER_EN_ProRes.mp4 ]
- Food security
- Health and social care services
- Employment
- Financing and capitalization
- Developing cooperative and mutual businesses
Food security
Feeding 9 billion people by 2050 is a challenge for all humanity,
especially when the options for expanding agricultural space are
limited. The Summit will address these issues from various angles,
including boosting productivity, strengthening competitive
advantages, securing the supply chain, and reducing speculation. Over
35% of cooperatives worldwide are in the agricultural and agrifood
sector. They sustain the livelihoods of one out of every two people.
Health and social care services
As the world's population grows and ages, the challenge of
providing a wide range of health and social care services becomes
even greater. This sector will be the biggest market in the 21st
century. It is not merely a challenge that rallies cooperatives, but
also an issue where cooperatives and mutuals can certainly provide
For the first time in history, economic recovery is creating very
few jobs. Nearly 200 million people are unemployed. Nearly half of
them are young-"the sacrificed generation."
The economic crisis has left deep scars in many countries. It has
affected the ability of businesses to provide people with the jobs
they need to ensure their financial security. The unemployment rate
in some countries is at an all-time high. At the same time, emerging
countries appear to be doing better and even seeing economic growth.
Here too, cooperatives are making a difference: a number of sectors
are demonstrating stability and have even created jobs.
Financing and capitalization
In a context of new regulations and market turmoil, financing and
capitalization are a major ongoing issue for cooperatives and
mutuals. Financial cooperatives face regulations that limit their
ability to finance projects. However, some have experimented with
various innovative and promising financing and capitalization tools,
which will be shared at the Summit.
Developing cooperative and mutual businesses
Cooperative and mutual businesses operate as part of the real
economy. The 2012 Summit and the International Co-operative Alliance
(ICA) Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade raised important concerns
for cooperatives and mutuals. The nature of their model compels them
to be more innovative to achieve their business objectives while
maintaining their values. The Summit will provide managers with tools
to foster the growth and sustainability of their businesses. Topics
will include increasing membership, educating people about the
cooperative business model, the development of markets, strategic
risk management, and business development in emerging and developing
countries, which are sure to generate considerable interest among
leaders of cooperatives and mutuals.
Call for papers
Researchers interested in cooperatives and mutuals are invited to
submit their proposals for scientific articles related to the
Summit's main themes. Selected articles will be collected and
published during the event. The authors of selected articles will
also be invited to present their results to participants.
About the 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives
Decision makers and influencers from the international cooperative
and mutualist community will gather in Quebec City, Canada, from
October 6 to 9 for the 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives. The
Summit's bold, ambitious themes will garner the attention and
interest of cooperatives from around the globe as well as world
leaders and politicians.
Nathalie Genest
Press Relations
International Summit of Cooperatives
+1-514-281-7275 | +1-866-866-7000, ext. 7275
Jan Schiettecatt
Director of Communications
International Co-operative Alliance
ots Originaltext: 2014 International Summit of Cooperatives
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