EANS-Adhoc: Semperit AG Holding / Semperit Increases Revenue and Result in Q1-3
2013 (with photo)
Geschrieben am 12-11-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/9-month report
* Revenue up 11.2% to EUR 684.4 million despite weak economy *
Significant rise in EBITDA (+23.9%) and EBIT (+19.6%) * Medical
Sector: Integration of Latexx Partners drives revenue and earnings
increase * Industrial Sector: Rise in revenue and earnings in spite
of negative cyclical effects * Stable development expected in the
upcoming months
The publicly listed Semperit Group successfully maintained the
corporate development recorded in the first half of 2013 during the
third quarter. In spite of challenging economic conditions, revenue
and earnings improved to new record nine-month figures. In the first
three quarters of 2013, Semperit increased its revenue by 11.2% to
EUR 684.4 million. In the Medical Sector, the successful integration
of the glove producer Latexx Partners acquired in 2012 provided the
basis for double-digit revenue and earnings growth. Although the
Industrial Sector has been impacted again by a difficult market
situation, Semperit managed to successfully implement countermeasures
and thus generate revenue and earnings increases.
The Group's consolidated EBITDA increased by 23.9% to EUR 102.0
million from EUR 82.3 million in the previous year. Despite the
growth investment related increase in depreciation, EBIT rose by
19.6% to EUR 69.0 million, up from the prior-year level of EUR 57.7
million. In addition to the strong operating performance of the
company, the active raw material management and continued
exploitation of low raw material prices played a significant role in
earnings improvements. Profitability improved accordingly. The EBITDA
margin rose from 13.4% to 14.9% year-on-year, whereas the EBIT margin
climbed to 10.1% from 9.4% in the previous year. Semperit achieved a
net result (earnings after tax) of EUR 44.5 million, constituting a
25.7% rise from the comparable level of EUR 35.4 million in the first
three quarters of 2012.
"In a challenging market environment, Semperit developed very well in
the first nine months of 2013. We were successful because we
resolutely implemented our growth projects and optimally took
advantage of the low raw material prices during the reporting
period", explained Semperit CEO Thomas Fahnemann. "With respect to
our glove business we successfully integrated Latexx Partners within
one year, which had clearly positive effects on revenue, earnings and
profitability. Our efforts also paid off in the Industrial Sector. We
are successively gaining market shares with new products accompanied
by sales successes in existing as well as in new markets. Our
production capacities continue to be well utilised, so that we can
expect a stable development in the coming months without major
macroeconomic impulses", CEO Fahnemann added.
For the quarter revenue rose 13.2% year-on-year to EUR 233.0 million,
and was at about the same level as the second quarter of 2013 despite
the seasonally weaker summer months. EBITDA improved by 27.6% from
the prior-year period to EUR 36.3 million, whereas EBIT was up 25.2%
to EUR 25.3 million. Semperit also generated double-digit EBITDA and
EBIT margins at 15.6% and 10.8% respectively.
The equity ratio at 49.5% remained at the high level of the 2012 year
end (49.3%). Cash and cash equivalents rose from EUR 133.3 million to
EUR 169.5 million due to the strong operating cash flow generation;
the cash inflow from the corporate Schuldschein loan also contributed
to the positive cash position.
"While we are financing our business growth we still have a positive
net liquidity of EUR 31.1 million after deducting the financing
liabilities. We are well prepared and financially strong for further
growth", said Semperit CFO Johannes Schmidt-Schultes, pointing to the
company's extremely sound financial position.
Medical Sector: Increase in revenue and earnings In the Medical
Sector (the Sempermed segment), the integration of Latexx Partners
and an improved sales performance resulted in higher sales volumes.
Double-digit sales growth was recorded in Europe and Asia. Therefore,
the ongoing negative price effects caused by the lower raw material
prices compared to 2012 were more than offset. The absence of
negative one-time effects like in Q1 2012 also had an additional
positive impact on earnings development.
Revenue of the Medical Sector rose 18.7% in the first three quarters
to EUR 331.0 million. EBITDA was up more than 40% to EUR 44.1
million, providing an EBITDA margin of 13.3% compared to 11.2% in the
prior-year period.
Industrial Sector: Revenue and earnings rise despite negative
cyclical effects The Industrial Sector (the Semperflex, Sempertrans
and Semperform segments) showed a positive business development in
spite of the challenging economic environment. New customers were
attracted and market shares gained thanks to new products and a good
sales performance.
The development of the Semperflex segment was characterised by a very
strong order book in Europe. Demand developed positively in the USA.
Semperflex increased its market share for both hydraulic and
industrial hoses. The production plants operated at almost full
capacity. The Sempertrans segment showed a very good development. A
substantial rise in revenue was achieved on the basis of strong
volume growth at relatively low raw material prices. Capacity
utilization will remain good and solid for Q1 2014. The Semperform
segment also generated revenue growth. Almost all business units
contributed to this development with higher sales volumes, which
compensated for the negative price effects.
Revenue of the Industrial Sector was up 5.0% in the first three
quarters of 2013 totalling EUR 353.4 million. EBITDA rose by 18.1% to
EUR 70.7 million. This resulted in a very good EBITDA margin of
20.0%, up from 17.8% in the previous year. Moreover, double-digit
EBIT margins were generated in all segments.
Outlook The Semperit Group expects that the current level of incoming
orders will continue beyond 2013. However, a sustained recovery of
the global macroeconomic environment is not expected in the
foreseeable future.
In the Medical Sector the completion of the integration of Latexx
Partners, a business acquired in November 2012, is imminent; a
further increase of capacity utilisation is expected. The global
market environment for examination gloves is expected to remain
unchanged in 2014.
From today's perspective, it is expected that demand will remain
largely stable in the Industrial Sector. Capacity utilisation in the
Sempertrans segment in particular remains good. The Semperflex
segment expects positive demand momentum, especially from Europe.
However, over the next several months demand might react in some
cases to changes in the economy.
The Group reaffirms its previous growth targets: to achieve
double-digit revenue growth on average in the years from 2010 to 2015
inclusive. The Semperit Group still aims to achieve an EBITDA margin
of between 12% and 15% and an EBIT margin of between 8% and 11%.
The report on the first three quarters of 2013 is available for
download at: http://www.semperitgroup.com/en/ir/
About Semperit The publicly listed company Semperit AG Holding is an
internationally-oriented group that develops, produces, and sells
highly specialised rubber and plastic products for the medical and
industrial sectors: examination and surgical gloves, hydraulic and
industrial hoses, conveyor belts, escalator handrails, construction
profiles, cable car rings, and products for railway superstructures.
The headquarters of this long-standing Austrian company, which was
founded in 1824, are located in Vienna, and the global R & D centre
is in Wimpassing, Lower Austria. The Semperit Group employs close to
10,000 people worldwide, including more than 7,000 in Asia and more
than 700 in Austria. The group has 22 manufacturing facilities
worldwide and numerous sales offices in Europe, Asia, and America. In
fiscal 2012, the group generated sales of EUR 829 million and an
EBITDA of EUR 109 million.
Pictures with Announcement:
Further inquiry note:
Martina Büchele
Head of Group Communications
Tel.: +43 676 8715 8621
Stefan Marin
Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 676 8715 8210
end of announcement euro adhoc
Pictures with Announcement:
issuer: Semperit AG Holding
Modecenterstrasse 22
A-1030 Wien
phone: +43 1 79 777-210
FAX: +43 1 79 777-602
mail: investor@semperitgroup.com
WWW: www.semperitgroup.com
sector: Synthetics & Plastics
ISIN: AT0000785555
indexes: WBI, ViDX, Prime Market
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, official market: Wien, stock market: Stuttgart,
language: English
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