World Routes Strategy Summit 2013 Findings Published
Geschrieben am 25-11-2013 |
Manchester, England (ots/PRNewswire) -
Conference White Paper produced outlining the discussions and
conclusions of the aviation industry's top executives
Aaron Heslehurst, News Anchor and Presenter for BBC World
Television, who chaired the Summit and Shruti Vijayakumar, Air
Transport Specialist at The World Bank have produced a conference
white paper reporting the findings of the World Routes Strategy
Summit 2013, which took place 6-7 October in Las Vegas, Nevada,
alongside the 19th World Route Development Forum.
The Summit, which was held in partnership with ICAO and The World
Bank and sponsored by Oman Airports Management Company (OAMC),
brought together senior leaders and key stakeholders from aviation,
tourism and cargo to participate in discussions that will set the
commercial and political agenda for the industry. The event attracted
airline and airport CEOs, Ministers of Tourism and leaders of
industry associations worldwide.
Dr. Charles E. Schlumberger, Lead Air Transport Specialist at The
World Bank Group who moderated the panel discussion entitled A
Sustainable Future for Aviation says of the Summit: "The World Routes
Strategy Summit is the annual 'D Check' or 'Heavy Maintenance Visit'
of the air transport industry. During two days each year, top airline
and airport executives, aviation authorities, and officials of
international organisations gather during the World Routes Forum to
discuss, dismantle, and analyse every part of our fascinating air
transport system. Their insight and conclusions are outlined in a
White Paper, which can be seen as health bill of the industry!"
"The World Routes Strategy Summit is the only forum where senior
executives from airlines, airports, tourism authorities and
governments gather to discuss the issues and thrash out the solutions
facing the aviation and tourism industry," adds Nigel Mayes,
Commercial & Relationships Director for Routes, UBM Live continuing:
"We had over 1,000 executives play their part in this year's
conference, making it our largest summit ever."
The report details the conclusions from each of the sessions which
took place over the two-day event which covered many aspects of the
industry. Points raised include the fact that collaboration across
the airline, airport and tourism sectors is key to adapting to a
challenging market environment whilst governments also play a key
role to success. This was the finding from The Golden Triangle -
Airports, Airlines and Tourism session and speakers during this
insightful session also raised the need to improve connectivity
across the US to promote domestic travel to international visitors.
The Addressing CO2 Emissions session found that the decision which
was made at the 38th ICAO assembly to commit the organisation's 198
member states to develop a global market-based mechanism (MBM) to
address international aviation emissions by 2016 was hailed by the EU
but viewed by others as a missed opportunity. The session found that
the industry remains committed to carbon neutral growth whilst
highlighting the need for the industry to remain involved. The State
of the Industry session saw panellists emphasising that whilst the
industry remains fragile, growing collaboration with stakeholders is
a positive sign for the future and that there is a need to open the
lines of communication with passengers to improve service,
particularly in view of the expected growth in demand for air
transport in the rising middle classes and emerging markets.
The World Routes Strategy Summit Conference White Paper, which
includes more detail on the above sessions and more, is available to
view online for all registered Routesonline users at: http://www.rout
Notes to Editors
About Routes
- Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking events
through its regional and global Route Development Forums. Each year, there is one
global event and one regional event in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and CIS
- Routes was founded in 1995 as part of the Manchester UK-based ASM Ltd., a
consultancy specialising in the field of route development for airports.
- Routes and ASM were acquired by UBM Aviation Worldwide Ltd in August 2010.
From 1st August 2012 Routes, ASM and the Airport Cities Conference and Exhibition
become part of the UBM Live division of UBM plc.
- UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies across five
continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products, promote their
brands and expand their markets. Through premiere brands such as MD&M, CPhI, IFSEC,
TFM&A, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show, the Routes portfolio of events,
Airport Cities and many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards programs,
publications, websites and training and certification programs are an integral part of
the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry sectors.
Follow us on twitter: @Routesonline, @TheHUBRoutes,
@VictoriaRoutes, @NLPROU, @airlineroute
About UBM plc
- UBM plc is a global events-led marketing services and communications
company. We help businesses do business, bringing the world's buyers and sellers
together at events and online, as well as producing and distributing news and
specialist content. Our 5,500 staff in more than 30 countries are organised into
expert teams which serve commercial and professional communities, helping them to do
business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently.
- For more information, go to; follow us on Twitter at
@UBM_plc [ ] to get the latest UBM corporate news; follow
@UBM for news from all UBM's businesses; follow @UBM for a flavour of UBM from
selected members of UBM's Twitterati.
ots Originaltext: UBM Live Routes Ltd
Im Internet recherchierbar:
For further press information or a copy of the White Paper please
contact: Victoria Jones, PR Executive, Routes, T: +44(0)161-234-2730,
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