
KLOX Announces Commercialization of KLOX's Innovative and Non-Invasive Acne and Skin Rejuvenation Products Across Canada

Geschrieben am 26-11-2013

Montreal (ots/PRNewswire) -

KLOX Technologies Inc. ("KLOX") is pleased to announce an
exclusive supply, distribution and licensing agreement with Sandoz
Canada for KLOX's innovative and proprietary LumiCleanse(TM) System
(also known as Lumigel Cleanse) for the treatment of acne vulgaris,
and for its skin rejuvenation LumiBel(TM) System (also known as Fast
& Mild Beauty System) in Canada.

Under the terms of the agreement, Sandoz Canada will be
responsible for all commercial activities for the acne vulgaris
LumiCleanse(TM) System and the skin rejuvenation LumiBel(TM) System
in the Canadian market. KLOX will be responsible for the supply of
both products to Sandoz Canada. The financial terms of the agreement
include upfront and other milestone payments, as well as a profit
share structure based on product sales.

"KLOX became aware of the new focus on the dermatology market for
Sandoz International following their recent acquisition of Fougera.
KLOX is pleased to work with Sandoz Canada, a well-established
company in the pharmaceutical sector with the expertise and network
required to bring our innovative products to patients and clients
across the country. Still today the need for new, safe and
efficacious products is large. Sandoz Canada is committed to building
a strong, branded dermatology franchise and we are proud that our
suite of innovative and effective dermatology products will serve as
a flagship for this franchise in Canada," said Dr. Lise Hebert,
President and Chief Executive Officer of KLOX.

Today's announcement of the licensing agreement for the acne and
skin rejuvenation products follows two important approvals of KLOX's
acne vulgaris products: first the CE marking this month in Europe of
the company's LumiCleanse(TM) topical photo-converter gel as a Class
IIa Medical Device and the approval of KLOX's acne vulgaris system by
Health Canada in September of this year. With last week's
announcement of the European CE mark approval, KLOX plans on
concluding additional agreements to secure the global reach of its
innovative and proprietary products to the rest of the world.
Statistics show that acne vulgaris affects over 5 million people in
Canada, and approximately 150 million people worldwide. It accounts
for over 30% of dermatology visits and over 40% of those suffering
from this disease are looking for treatments with a better safety and
efficacy profile than what is currently available. In Canada alone,
approximately 1.1 million skin rejuvenation procedures were conducted
in 2012.

About the innovative and non-invasive LumiCleanse(TM)and
LumiBel(TM)products The LumiCleanse(TM) System for the treatment of
acne vulgaris is comprised of a multi LED light, used in conjunction
with the LumiCleanse(TM) photoconverter gel to achieve safe and
efficacious results in the treatment of acne vulgaris. This is done
by targeting the underlying problems that lead to acne vulgaris as
well as stimulating collagen in traumatized skin. The system is
designed to promote healing in both the epidermis and deeper in the
dermis in a non-invasive manner. Completed within a 15-minute
treatment cycle including preparation, the treatment requires
applications twice a week for a six-week period. The technology is
non-abrasive, non-thermal, and is comfortable for the patient. In a
90 patient pivotal trial, the LumiCleanse(TM) System demonstrated
efficacy in acne patients and was clinically and statistically
significant on all primary and secondary endpoints, with an extremely
favourable safety profile. The three month extension study
demonstrated a similar effectiveness and safety profile for the
second treated hemiface and persistence of effect was maintained in
92% of the cohort that had met the primary endpoint with the first
treated hemiface, demonstrating a persistence of effect of at least 6
months. The LumCleanse(TM) System is poised to be a first-in-class
treatment for patients suffering from acne vulgaris.

The LumiBel(TM) System for skin rejuvenation is comprised of the
multi-LED light used in conjunction with the LumiBel(TM)
photoconverter gel to efficiently achieve full face conditioning and
improvement of wrinkles. In the KLOX clinical trial, patients were
treated once a week for four weeks and demonstrated results lasting
for many weeks following the last treatment. Each session is
completed within a 15-minute treatment cycle.

About KLOX Technologies: Leveraging a light-based biophotonic

KLOX is focused on the development and commercialization of a
unique, non-invasive biophotonic technology using a primary device
consisting of a multiple LED light that interacts with an oxygen-rich
gel containing light-trapping molecules. KLOX's cosmetics and medical
devices are destined for the rapidly growing cosmetic, dental,
dermatological and medical markets.

For further information on KLOX, please visit the Company's
website http://www.kloxtechnologies.com or follow us on Twitter
@KLOXTech [http://www.twitter.com/KLOXTech ].

Forward Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this presentation, other than
statements of fact that are independently verifiable at the date
hereof, may constitute forward-looking statements. Examples of such
forward looking statements include those regarding cosmetics and
medical devices and medical applications and clinical trials and the
status and related results thereto, as well those regarding
continuing and further development efforts. Such statements, based as
they are on the current analysis and expectations of management,
inherently involve numerous risks and uncertainties, known and
unknown, many of which are beyond KLOX Technologies Inc.'s control.

For further information:

KLOX Technologies media contact:
Roch Landriault
NATIONAL Public Relations

Kristin Gable
NATIONAL Public Relations

ots Originaltext: Klox Technologies Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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