EANS-News: Early and significant success in C.A.T. oil's 2014 tendering campaign
Geschrieben am 21-01-2014 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
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Subtitle: • Tender worth EUR 281 million for the 2014-16 three-year
sidetrack drilling contract awarded by Lukoil • Additional tenders
worth EUR 22 million awarded by Tomskneft-VNK and
Slavneft-Megionneftegaz for 2014 • The awarded orders reflect
successful marketing of more than 70% of the Company’s sidetracking
capacity for 2014 • CEO Manfred Kastner: “The major three-year
contract once again confirms the strong demand for our high quality
services. Negotiations on additional tenders are well underway and we
will report further good news in the coming weeks of the tender
Company Information
Vienna, 21 January 2014 (euro adhoc) - C.A.T. oil AG (O2C, ISIN:
AT0000A00Y78),one of the leading providers of oil and gas field
services in Russia and Kazakhstan, today announced an early and
significant success in its 2014 tendering campaign. For a three-year
period starting in 2014 the Company has been awarded a tender worth
EUR 281 million (based on a rouble-to-euro exchange rate of 45) for a
sidetrack drilling contract by its long-standing customer Lukoil.
C.A.T. oil has thus successfully marketed 55% of its current
sidetrack drilling operating capacities for 2014-16. In addition
C.A.T. oil's subsidiary CATOBNEFT has succeeded in securing tenders
for conclusion of further sidetrack drilling contracts worth EUR 22
million for 2014 by Tomskneft-VNK and Slavneft-Megionneftegaz. As the
secured tenders reflect successful marketing of more than 70% of the
Company's existing sidetracking capacities for the current year,
C.A.T. oil is perfectly placed to accomplish its 2014 tendering
campaign in the coming weeks.
Manfred Kastner, CEO of C.A.T. oil, commented: "The tendering
campaign is one of the most exciting events in the course of the
year. It not only regularly provides us with a detailed insight into
industry trends, market sentiment and mid-term production plans of
our customers. The progress of the tendering campaign also reviews
our standing in the market."
Manfred Kastner continued: "As three-year contracts are less common
in the Russian oilfield service market, the tender award by Lukoil
underscores not only quality and efficiency of C.A.T. oil's services
but also customers' growing appetite for multi-year contractual
arrangements going forward. The major three- year contract once again
confirms the strong demand for our high quality services.
Negotiations on additional tenders are well underway and we will
report further good news in the coming weeks of the tender season."
The contracts' underlying sidetracking services will be accomplished
primarily in the Kogalym, Megion and Tomsk regions in West Siberia.
Press contact:
FTI Consulting
Thomas M. Krammer
Phone: +49 (0)69 92037-183
Email: thomas.krammer@fticonsulting.com
Steffi Fahjen
Phone: +49 (0)69 92037-115
Email: steffi.fahjen@fticonsulting.com
About C.A.T. oil AG: C.A.T. oil AG is one of the leading independent
oil and gas field service contractors in Russia and Kazakhstan and is
listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (SDAX). C.A.T. oil provides a
range of high quality services, which enable oil and gas producers to
extend lifecycle of their fields or bring yet unexploited oil and gas
reserves to production. Since its foundation in 1991 in Celle,
Germany, C.A.T. oil has built up a leading hydraulic fracturing
service, a very effective method of well stimulation by cracking rock
formations with pressurized fluids, in Russia and Kazakhstan.
Following its IPO in 2006, the Company developed a second core
service of sidetrack drilling in 2006-08 and has established a strong
presence in Russia's sidetrack drilling market. Sidetrack drilling is
a term used to describe drilling of a new wellbore from the upper
section of an existing well. In 2011-12, the Company launched the
next phase of its growth and diversification strategy and set up high
class drilling operations as a third core service offering. High
class drilling is the classical technology of drilling vertical,
inclined and horizontal wells for extraction of oil and gas. In
total, the Company has already invested more than EUR 400 million in
growth and diversification since its IPO in 2006. Following the
successful set up of high class drilling in 2011-12, C.A.T. oil
introduced its new segment reporting in 2013 clustering its
activities in "Well Services" (fracturing, cementing and completion
operations) and "Drilling, Sidetracking and IPM (Integrated Project
Management)". C.A.T. oil's customer base includes the leading Russian
and Kazakh oil and gas producers such as Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil,
TNK-BP and KazMunaiGaz. The Company has long-standing relationships
with these customers and has been a reliable service provider since
its market entrance in the early nineties. C.A.T. oil has its
headquarters in Vienna. The Company's 9M 2013 weighted average
headcount stood at 2,673 people, most of which are based in Russia
and Kazakhstan.
Further inquiry note:
Thomas Krammer
Tel: +49(0)69-92037-183
Email: thomas.krammer@fticonsulting.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: C.A.T. oil AG
Kärntner Ring 11-13
A-1010 Wien
phone: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 0
FAX: +43(0) 1 535 23 20 - 20
mail: ir@catoilag.com
WWW: http://www.catoilag.com
sector: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities
ISIN: AT0000A00Y78
indexes: SDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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