Blancco Introduces Expanded Capabilities for Automating Mobile Device Erasure at MWC
Geschrieben am 21-02-2014 |
Joensuu, Finland (ots/PRNewswire) -
Data erasure expert Blancco reveals new products and features at
Mobile World Congress to help mobile network operators efficiently
and safely recoup value from
smartphones and tablets
To attract and keep customers, mobile network operators (MNOs) are
expanding trade-in and buy-back programs, but proper handling -
including full data erasure - is critical for safely recouping value
from used mobile devices. At Mobile World Congress
[ ] (MWC) February 24-27 in
Barcelona, Blancco [ ], the global leader in
data erasure and computer reuse solutions, will highlight how MNOs
and their recycling partners can enhance?-and protect?-profits by
fully erasing smartphones and tablets.
(Logo: )
"While fast, a simple factory reset leaves recoverable data,
making MNOs and their partners vulnerable to data breach, along with
associated fines and brand damage that ultimately harm - rather than
help - profits and the average revenue per user (ARPU)," said Kim
Vaisanen, CEO and Co-Founder of Blancco. "From our customers, plus
involvement with the Device Renewal Forum (DRF), we know safe,
efficient recycling of mobile devices is a complex process, which is
why Blancco has created and continually updates a range of products
that automate full data erasure and reporting."
At MWC Stand 5C41, Hall 5, Blancco will highlight upgrades to its
advanced, TUEV SUED-approved
[ ]
erasure tool, Blancco Mobile
[ ].
Blancco Mobile provides robust platform support and automation that
allow one operator to fully erase hundreds of mobile devices per day.
Blancco's new technical solutions on display at MWC include:
- Blancco Mobile
[ ] Windows Phone 8
(Nokia Lumia) - Erasure of Windows Lumia has been added to the list of supported
smartphones and tablets, which include Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Symbian, and Windows
- Blancco Mobile Android Diagnostic - This new feature allows detailed
testing of Android phone hardware and functionality.
- Blancco Flash Appliance
[ ]
- This rack-mountable hardware device optimizes erasure of high volumes of
SD cards or USB sticks.
All Blancco products provide detailed reports as proof of data
erasure and verification of hardware health, which help MNOs and
recyclers determine a device's viability for refurbishment and
Blancco's new white paper, "Mobile Network Operators and the Used
Mobile Device Market: Safely Capturing Value with Advanced Data
Erasure," will be available at MWC or by download
[ ]. To meet with Blancco
at MWC, contact Johanna Pakkanen, Marketing Manager
[ ].
About Blancco
Blancco is the proven data erasure solution for millions of users
around the globe. As the global leader in data erasure and computer
reuse solutions, Blancco offers the most certified data erasure
solutions within the industry. The company serves users across a wide
range of industries, including banking, finance, government and
defense. The company's products are highly valued by IT asset
disposal professionals around the world. Blancco operates from an
extensive network of international offices and partners across
Europe, North America, the Middle East, Russia, Asia and Australasia.
More information is available at
Media Contact:
Monica Shaw
Blancco Oy Ltd.
Kim Vaisanen, CEO and Co-Founder
ots Originaltext: Blancco Oy Ltd.
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