CPhI Pharma Insights: R&D Report
Geschrieben am 06-03-2014 |
Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire) -
CPhI report shows R&D market diversifying innovation, with
partnerships, mergers and revenue sharing models
R&D sector to grow at over 8% driven by new evaluation techniques
Report highlights:
- Increased collaboration across industry, with three quarters partnering
and 20% having merged or acquired an asset in the last year alone
- Anticancer drugs and antibiotics seen as major disease targets
- Combination drugs and personalised medicine are the most important novel focus
- With nanotechnology and drug devices featuring prominently suggesting efforts
to improve drug delivery mechanisms
- Balancing long term and short term goals is still the major challenge for half
of respondents, with nearly 40% also highlighting improving efficiency as a top
- The rise of measurable ROI in R&D programmes continues with QbD used by
40%, 6 sigma by 18%, stage gate and lean by 15 and 12% respectively
- Commercial scale considerations starting earlier with nearly one third
bringing in the commercial side at the pre-clinical stage
- Technology a major source of innovation sharing: over half of all companies
out-licensing and more than 60% using licensed technology
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130723/629764-a )
CPhI Worldwide [http://www.cphi.com ], part of UBM Live's
Pharmaceutical Portfolio, announce the findings of its Pharma
Insights report on R&D. Overall the report shows that the R&D market
is diversifying innovation, with increased out/in licensing of
technology, partnerships, and mergers. Improvements in evaluation
have also been credited with helping the sector grow at an impressive
8%, with long-term objectives now being considered at earlier stages
within the development process.
Furthermore, the industry is evolving its model, maintaining
innovative output whilst also standardising approaches to measuring
effectiveness, and crucially, returns on investment- with 40% using
QbD for analytical and tech, 18% using 6 Sigma, 15% stage gate and
12% lean techniques to evaluate effectiveness.
Unsurprisingly, with the milestone nature of moving between
clinical stages, balancing long and short-term goals was seen as a
major challenge (53%) and improving efficiency (38%) also highlighted
the growing efforts to improve ROI between stages. However, a clear
trend has emerged from this with more and more companies involving
commercial side at an earlier and earlier stage with 30% beginning in
pre-clinical and a further 30% prior to phase iii.
Almost a quarter of respondents sighted cancer as a major focus
area for 2014, with antibiotics (13%), cardiovascular (12%) and CNS
(12%) targets also featuring notably. Additional evidence for the
cancer-focus also emerged from the novel areas companies are working
on, with 37% researching combination drugs and 20% personalised
medicines. Outside of cancer, it appears that improved drug delivery
mechanisms are targeted as 17% were investing in nanotechnology and
12% directly in drug devices.
However, the source of innovation is increasingly diverse with
growing partnerships (75%), mergers 20%, and out/in-licensing of
technology (55% and 60% respectively). Clearly, a major factor in
competitiveness both now and in the future is access to technology,
and we are seeing a more collaborative approach. This is an important
trend and one that should enable the industry to continually
innovate, with cross-pollination of projects, where even the smallest
biotech can access crucial technology that enable them to move
projects forward.
"With product development processes being increasingly managed
through quality and control methods, the cost of and access to
technology will be the essential access point on many projects
ultimate viability," Chris Kilbee, Group Director Pharma.
Highlighting the need for access to new techniques and
technologies, 33% of respondents were partnering with research
institutes, a further 15% with research-focussed companies and 10%
with universities.
Drawing all these findings together the report concludes there is
a clear desire amongst all companies to ensure future R&D spend is
prudent and focused on bringing future products to market faster- and
not just innovative targets. Monitoring processes more prescriptively
and standardising approaches should enable a quicker transfer between
phases. Most interesting for the future, we are now witnessing an
'open innovation approach' to technology- which will enable reduced
R&D timelines and better results.
Chris Kilbee added: "What we are now seeing is the maturation of
the R&D sector having gone through a period of change over the last
few years with innovation moving down stream from big pharma.
However, we are now at a point where innovation is coming in from new
and more diverse fields as different areas of science collaborate and
bring new techniques into pharma production. This trend coupled with
a commitment to tackle long term project viabilities, alongside
standardised methods for practice, should help reduce bottlenecks in
the pipeline and bring more targets to market in a more cost
effective manner. It is a really exciting period for the R&D sector
with new ideas, nanotechnology and manufacturing techniques and
process bringing a new rigour and commercial focus to future
About CPhI
CPhI drives growth and innovation at every step of the global
pharmaceutical supply chain from drug discovery to finished dosage.
Through exhibitions, conferences and online communities, CPhI brings
together more than 100,000 pharmaceutical professionals each year to
network, identify business opportunities and expand the global
market. CPhI hosts events in Europe, China, India, Japan, Korea,
Southeast Asia, Istanbul, Russia and South America and co-locates
with ICSE for contract services, P-MEC for machinery, equipment &
technology, InnoPack for pharmaceutical packaging and BioPh for
biopharma. CPhI provides an online buyer & supplier directory at
For more information visit: http://www.cphi.com
The UBM Live annual schedule of Pharmaceutical events also
includes CPhI, ICSE, P-MEC, BioPh and Pharmatec Japan ; CPhI Russia
and IPhEB (16-17 April, 2014 at the Lenexpo Exhibition Complex- St
Petersburg, Russia); CPhI, P-MEC and Innopack South East Asia (20-22
May, 2014 at the Jakarta International Expo- Jakarta, Indonesia);
CPhI Istanbul (4-6 June, 2014, at the Lutfi Kirdar Convention and
Exhibition Centre- Turkey); CPhI, Hi and Fi, ICSE, P-MEC, BioPh and
LabWorld China (26-28 June, 2014 at SNIEC- Shanghai, China); CPhI
South America (5-7 August 2014 at Expo Centre Norte, Sao Paulo-
Brazil); CPhI, ICSE Korea (2-3 September, 2014 at the COEX- Seoul,
South Korea); CPhI, ICSE, P-MEC and InnoPack Worldwide ; CPhI and
P-MEC India (2-4 December, 2014 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre-
About UBM Live
UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies
across five continents to develop new business, meet customers,
launch new products, promote their brands, and expand their market.
Through premier brands such as TFM&A, Internet World, IFSEC, MD&M,
CPhI, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show, and many others, UBM
Live exhibitions, conferences, awards programs, publications,
Websites, and training and certification programs are an integral
part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry
For media enquiries, please contact:
Alex Heeley or Tristan Jervis
De Facto Communications
T: +44-207-203-6745/6740
E: a.heeley@defacto.com / t.jervis@defacto.com
ots Originaltext: UBM Live
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