Maurice Lacroix is delighted to announce a three-year partnership with FC Barcelona as the "FC Barcelona Official Watch Partner"
Geschrieben am 13-03-2014 |
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland (ots) - Dynamic Swiss watch brand,
Maurice Lacroix, is pleased to announce a three-year partnership
agreement with FC Barcelona - considered as one of the world's most
prestigious football clubs with a global fan base of over 300 million
admirers and 100 million social media followers. Becoming the "FC
Barcelona Official Watch Partner" represents a landmark in the
history of Maurice Lacroix. Through this innovative partnership,
Maurice Lacroix and FC Barcelona will join in facilitating access to
the world of high-quality Swiss luxury for football fans and watch
aficionados alike.
More than a partnership
The watchmaker brings unparalleled savoir-faire in luxury goods
marketing to the playing field, and in turn, will benefit from
increased brand awareness with 300 million fans and the added emotion
of sharing in FC Barcelona's cult status.
Through this outstanding partnership, FC Barcelona and Maurice
Lacroix aim to remain close to their fans, speak the same language,
and offer every one of them a high-quality Swiss luxury product. An
affordable "fan's" watch will provide an entry-level opportunity for
Swiss timepiece ownership. For lovers of mechanical timepieces or for
those wishing to make the big jump, a stunning "player's" watch and a
sophisticated "executive" model will also be sold in all FC Barcelona
boutiques and in the extensive worldwide network of official Maurice
Lacroix retailers.
Within Europe's biggest stadium, the partnership will be
communicated through an array of impressive assets such as the 4th
referee LCD screen, giant Maurice Lacroix clocks and an exclusive
presence in all VIP areas of Camp Nou.
In reaching this agreement, Maurice Lacroix and FC Barcelona, two
organizations known for their progressive thinking, have conceived
much more than a partnership. Their concerted entrepreneurial spirit
and intuitive commercial thinking ability is the start of a dynamic
new chapter in both parties' history.
More than a club
FC Barcelona is proud of its Swiss origins (the club was founded
by Hans Gamper from Winterthur), just as it is proud of being the
emblem of the local Catalan community. But FC Barcelona is much "more
than a club", as expressed in its motto "més que un club". FC
Barcelona is the No. 1 sports club in the world in many respects. It
has won all football's most prestigious trophies multiple times. It
attracts only the best players in the world. It displays an amazing
and unique one-touch style of football. It invests in and nurtures
the most promising talents, and supports numerous charitable
Built on the values of ambition, quality, creativity and style, FC
Barcelona is a legend, an iconic club with a winning formula that has
attracted a global fan base of over 300 million admirers.
More than a watch
Since the launch of its first watch in 1975, the stylish Swiss
watches conceived by the creative and ambitious design team at
Maurice Lacroix have gained international recognition. Maurice
Lacroix timepieces offer eclectic and playful designs, patented
technologies and new ultra-performing materials. All are imbued with
the enduring values of quality, reliability and authenticity.
Just like FC Barcelona, Maurice Lacroix is a symbol of success
that is all about style, substance, and a relentless passion for
progress. Riding this wave of shared values and ambitions, the Swiss
watchmaker and the Catalan football club make a perfect team in
jointly exploring innovative ways of reaching out to both football
fans and watch lovers.
" FC Barcelona is proud to launch a partnership with such a modern
and dynamic brand as Maurice Lacroix. We are convinced that the
success of this strategic alliance will have a global impact."
Josep Maria Bartomeu, President of FC Barcelona
"Maurice Lacroix is proud and very excited about this exceptional
partnership. Our brands relentlessly strive for perfection and
together we will form an impressive, striking and successful team."
Marc Gläser, Managing Director of Maurice Lacroix
About Maurice Lacroix
Maurice Lacroix is based in Saignelégier, located in the Jura
region, an area noted for its watchmaking prowess. In 2006, the Swiss
watchmaking company designed and developed it first in-house movement
and over successive years this has grown to 13 in-house Manufacture
The company has won ten major awards for its watches over the
years, with industry panels recognizing its ingenious creativity and
craftsmanship. Maurice Lacroix produces 90,000 watches per year and
has 3,000 points of sale. It continues to grow, based on a winning
formula of quality, reliability and authenticity, expressed through
playful and eclectic designs backed by patented technologies and
high-performing materials. The company relentlessly seeks new and
innovative ways of depicting time, whilst always respecting Swiss
watchmaking craftsmanship. It is this "Passion for Progress" which is
at the heart of the brand's culture.
On July 1, 2011, DKSH, a Swiss company based in Zürich and a
leading service-provider for market expansion in Asia, acquired a
controlling stake in the Maurice Lacroix group. With 735 subsidiaries
and 26'700 employees, DKSH is present in 35 countries and generated
net sales of 9.6 billion Swiss francs in 2013.
Maurice Lacroix Timothy Mayer International PR & Sponsoring Manager
Tel. +41 79 598 26 56, E-Mail:
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