
Indian Infrastructure Industry Welcomes Concrete Show India 2014

Geschrieben am 14-03-2014

Mumbai, India (ots/PRNewswire) -

13th- 15th March 2014, Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre

UBM India today launched the second edition of its Concrete Show
India. The event slated from 13 - 15 March 2014 at the Bombay
Convention & Exhibition Centre, will cover key sectors like Roads,
Housing, Airports, Ports, Power, Rail, Dams & Bridges. Concrete Show
India 2014 will provide a platform for industry suppliers to showcase
the best and newest technologies in machinery, equipment, commercial
concrete products, services and systems.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130226/599595-c )

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140314/674711 )

India's planning commission has projected an investment of US$ 1
trillion for the infrastructure sector during the 12th Five Year
Plan, with 40 per cent of the funds coming from the private sector.
It is one of the major sectors that propel overall development of the
Indian economy. Unlike other developed countries, India's
geographical position poses some challenges in huge infrastructural
development like building of roads, flyovers, airports, damns &
bridges, etc. In the modern infrastructural methods, precast
technology is the most safer and durable option for building
technology than some of the traditional methods. Pioneering use of
precast technology can change the face of Indian economy by speeding
up the course of action across varied proposed infrastructure
projects. Expansions of Metro and Mono railway routes across various
Tier I cities in India is one such example of implementation of the

Recognizing Concrete Show India 2014 as a trade opportunity for
domestic & international companies to realize the huge untapped
potential that the construction industry presents in India, the event
will witness participation from countries like China, Germany,
Greece, India, Italy, Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, UK and
USA. The event has participation from some leading companies that
include Adeka, Apollo Infratech Pvt. Ltd. ACE Associates, Atlas
Copco, Conmat, Godrej & Boyce, Toyota Forms India Pvt. Ltd, Ultratech
Cement Ltd, and more amongst other Industry players. UBM India's
focus for Concrete India 2014 is also to bring to the forefront for
discussion, the challenges faced by the industry. The first day of
the event will be marked by a conference, based on the theme of
'Infrastructure & Sustainability: A Fresh Approach'. Global
Challenges for Sustainable Infrastructure in Metropolitan Cities,
Infrastructure Transportation projects - Perspective from MMRDA:
Present and Future, Nano-Technology with Ceramic Coating to aid
sustainability are some of the topics which will be discussed along
the sidelines of the event.

Joji George, Managing Director, UBM India says, "In the coming
decade, concrete as an industry in India is set for an ambitious leap
and UBM India, through Concrete Show India 2014, intends to
contribute to this leap by bringing together, business and technology
for this industry to move to the next level."

About UBM India

UBM India is India's leading live media and events company that
engages people and enriches businesses. We at UBM India provide the
industry with platforms that bring together buyers and sellers from
around the world, through a portfolio of exhibitions, content led
conferences & seminars, tech media, live events, data services and
powerful media brands. UBM India hosts over 20 large scale
exhibitions and 40 conferences across the country every year; thereby
enabling trade across multiple industry verticals. A UBM Asia
Company, UBM India has offices across Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore
and Chennai. UBM Asia is owned by UBM plc and is listed on the London
Stock Exchange. UBM Asia is the leading exhibition organizer in Asia
and the biggest commercial organiser in mainland China, India and
Malaysia. For further details, please visit http://www.ubmindia.in &

Ritesh Indulkar



ots Originaltext: UBM India Pvt. Ltd.
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