BNK Petroleum Inc. Operations Update
Geschrieben am 08-04-2014 |
Camarillo, California (ots/PRNewswire) -
BNK Petroleum Inc. (the "Company" or "BNK") is providing an
update on its Polish shale gas project as well as its Tishomingo
Field, Caney oil shale operations in Oklahoma.
The fracture stimulation design for the first portion of the
Gapowo B-1 well has been finalized, subcontractors have been selected
and construction of surface equipment and water storage facilities
are complete. The fracture stimulation equipment is currently being
positioned while the Company awaits final approval of the completion
portion of Plan Ruchu. The Company is hoping to receive the approved
Plan Ruchu the week of April 14th, so that operations can commence.
Oklahoma update
The Company has successfully fracture stimulated the remaining 15%
of the lateral section from the Barnes 7-2H well that was not
previously stimulated. The well is flowing back and is currently
being tested. Early results indicate that the Company has
successfully reduced the cost of the Caney fracture stimulations
while maintaining similar production results. The Company currently
anticipates fracture stimulating the Leila 31-2H well in mid April.
The services and plans for drilling the next Caney wells have been
finalized. Site preparation for two Caney locations are nearly
finalized and work is expected to commence on a third location in the
coming weeks. The Company is currently negotiating with a number of
rig contractors and anticipates starting its next drilling phase in
About BNK Petroleum Inc.
BNK Petroleum Inc. is an international oil and gas exploration and
production company focused on finding and exploiting large,
predominately unconventional oil and gas resource plays. Through
various affiliates and subsidiaries, the Company owns and operates
shale oil and gas properties and concessions in the United States,
Poland and Spain. Additionally the Company is utilizing its technical
and operational expertise to identify and acquire additional
unconventional projects. The Company's shares are traded on the
Toronto Stock Exchange under the stock symbol BKX.
Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Information
Certain statements contained in this news release constitute
"forward-looking information" as such term is used in applicable
Canadian securities laws, including statements regarding Caney wells
and Gapowo B-1 well development, including plans, anticipated results
and timing. Forward-looking information is based on plans and
estimates of management and interpretations of exploration
information by the Company's exploration team at the date the
information is provided and is subject to several factors and
assumptions of management, including that indications of early
results are reasonably accurate predictors of the prospectiveness of
the shale intervals, that anticipated results and estimated costs
will be consistent with managements' expectations, that new
stimulation techniques will be successful, that the Company's
geological analyses are accurate, that required regulatory approvals
will be available when required, that no unforeseen delays,
unexpected geological or other effects, equipment failures,
permitting delays or labor or contract disputes or shortages are
encountered, that the development plans of the Company and its
co-venturers will not change, that the demand for oil and gas will be
sustained, that the Company will continue to be able to access
sufficient capital through financings, farm-ins or other
participation arrangements to maintain its projects and carry out its
plans, and that global economic conditions will not deteriorate in a
manner that has an adverse impact on the Company's business, its
ability to advance its business strategy and the industry as a whole.
Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and
uncertainties and other factors that could cause plans, estimates and
actual results to vary materially from those projected in such
forward-looking information. Factors that could cause the
forward-looking information in this news release to change or to be
inaccurate include, but are not limited to, the risk that any of the
assumptions on which such forward looking information is based vary
or prove to be invalid, including that anticipated results and
estimated costs will not be consistent with managements'
expectations, new completion techniques proving to be unsuccessful,
the Company's geological analyses proving to be inaccurate, the
Company or its subsidiaries is not able for any reason to obtain and
provide the information necessary to secure required approvals or
that required regulatory approvals are otherwise not available when
required, that unexpected geological results are encountered, that
equipment failures, permitting delays or labor or contract disputes
or shortages are encountered, that completion techniques require
further optimization, that production rates do not match the
Company's assumptions, that very low or no production rates are
achieved, that the Company is unable to access required capital, that
occurrences such as those that are assumed will not occur, do in fact
occur, and those conditions that are assumed will continue or
improve, do not continue or improve, and the other risks and
uncertainties applicable to exploration and development activities
and the Company's business as set forth in the Company's management
discussion and analysis and its annual information form, both of
which are available for viewing under the Company's profile at, any of which could result in delays, cessation
in planned work or loss of one or more concessions and have an
adverse effect on the Company and its financial condition. The
Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking
statements, other than as required by applicable law.
For further information:
Wolf E. Regener +1-(805)-484-3613
ots Originaltext: BNK Petroleum Inc
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