C&A warns of supply shortage for organic cotton / C&A brochure "Let's take Bio Cotton to everyone every day"
Geschrieben am 08-04-2014 |
Düsseldorf (ots) - Despite an increasing demand in international
markets, global production of organic cotton continues to decline.
This development bears ecological, social and economic consequences
for all in the worldwide supply chain for organic cotton. Measured
against the global production of cotton, the share of organic cotton
today is only 1 percent.
For C&A Europe, which has been dedicated to promoting organic
cotton production for 10 years already, counteracting this step
backwards is a special priority.
Thorsten Rolfes, Head of Corporate Communications Europe,
explains, "We are now at a critical point in which the demand for
organic cotton is exceeding the supply. The availability uncertainty
tied to this threatens to endanger long-term investment in organic
After worldwide production of organic cotton continuously rose up
to the year 2011, crop yields subsequently sank by 8 percent in the
following years. Regardless of the fact that, at the same time, 50
percent of the production countries increased their production of
organic cotton. Reasons for this are e.g. lack of knowledge regarding
organic cultivation methods and lacking cooperation between the
To spread awareness of this problem, C&A is now publishing the
informational brochure "Let's take Bio Cotton to everyone every day."
This comprehensively explains the added value and current challenges
of organic cotton production, and shows opportunities for all those
in the global supply chain. Here, C&A sees garment industry companies
as having particular responsibility.
"Brands play a key role in the development of organic cotton as a
sustainable resource. Some brands are taking action, but the supply
crisis shows that much more needs to be done. Collaboration is the
key - working in partnership with experts, local communities and
governments can enable organic cotton to realize its full potential,"
says Rolfes. "But firms can make a difference not only in the
production countries but also in the sales markets by making their
customers aware of the subject of organic cotton. In our experience,
it is possible to create awareness, fulfill the demand and be
C&A is currently the largest buyer of organic cotton and sold over
100 million products made from organic cotton in the fiscal year 2013
- another significant increase in comparison to the previous year.
The share of organic cotton against the total cotton collection is 38
percent. All cotton in C&A products labelled with Bio Cotton is 100
percent certified organic cotton - never blended. Seventy-five
percent of the processed organic cotton, which is cultivated without
the use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers, comes from farm
projects supported by the C&A Foundation - around 60,000 farmers in
India benefit from these projects. The social- and environmental
programs place focus on the local communities in the production
regions with the aim of improving the living conditions of the cotton
farmers who work there. Examples of projects include drip irrigation
and the provision of organic seeds, along with instruction for the
farmers and other important partners in the organic cotton supply
"CottonConnect" also adheres to these principles and is an
independent company founded by C&A in partnership with Textile
Exchange and Shell Foundation. The objective of "CottonConnect" is to
more sustainably structure the global cotton supply chain through
collaboration with 22 textile retail companies and fashion brands.
All profits are exclusively reinvested.
C&A has set itself the long-term goal of procuring its entire
cotton collection from sustainable production by the year 2020. At
the same time, C&A Foundation is supporting a number of initiatives
aimed at increasing organic production and improving farmer
livelihoods. Recently, the foundation, in partnership with
CottonConnect, held the first Organic Cotton Roundtable in India as a
"Call to Action" for stakeholders to come together to address the
decrease in production. You can find more information on organic
cotton at C&A and the brochure "Let's take Bio Cotton to everyone
every day? at www.canda.com/biocotton.
About C&A Europe:
With over 1,575 stores in 21 European countries and over 37,500
employees, C&A Europe is one of the leading fashion retail firms in
Europe. C&A Europe is a company of Cofra Holding AG.
Press contact:
C&A Europe Fashion Center Wanheimer Straße 70 D-40468 Düsseldorf
Thorsten Rolfes
Corporate Communications C&A Europe
T +49.211.9872 - 2749
F +49.211.9872 - 2748
M +49.172.2020023
E Thorsten.Rolfes@canda.com
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