Alibaba Founders Establish Charitable Trusts
Geschrieben am 25-04-2014 |
Hangzhou, China (ots/PRNewswire) -
Jack Ma and Joe Tsai, co-founders of Alibaba Group Holding Limited
("Alibaba" or "the company"), today announced the establishment of
personal charitable trusts funded by share options granted by Alibaba
to the charitable trusts designated by Jack Ma and Joe Tsai for
approximately two percent (2%) of Alibaba's equity. Their
philanthropic activities will initially be focused on causes
including the environment, medicine, education and culture in China,
Hong Kong and abroad.
Jack Ma and Joe Tsai intend to make philanthropic contributions
through their respective personal charitable trusts, in part,
alongside Alibaba's corporate charitable foundation, which is managed
by volunteer employees of the company and contributes to initiatives
in environmental awareness and conservation. Since 2010, Alibaba has
earmarked 0.3% of the company's annual revenues to fund the Alibaba
corporate charitable foundation, in addition to Jack Ma's previously
announced commitment to donate all of his economic interests in a
general partner of the Yunfeng Funds to the foundation.
Alibaba and its employees have also dedicated significant time and
resources toward disaster relief efforts and other community
activities in China and internationally. Recently, Alibaba initiated
a program to provide citizens with water testing kits to encourage
self-reporting and raise awareness of the water pollution issues
across China.
Jack Ma said: "Alibaba was founded 15 years ago with a mission 'to
make it easy to do business anywhere' and a set of principles and
values that emphasize our responsibility to society. Giving back to
society is deeply embedded in Alibaba's culture and I am incredibly
proud of the commitment that our employees have shown to improving
peoples' lives."
The gifts to the respective charitable trusts of the two founders
consist of options granted by Alibaba to the charitable trusts
designated by Jack Ma and Joe Tsai to acquire ordinary shares of
Alibaba. The option grant, approved by Alibaba's board of directors
last year, represents approximately two percent of the equity in
Alibaba and will be divided between the two trusts in approximately
the same proportion as the equity stakes currently held by the two
founders in Alibaba.
"We hope to live in a world with bluer skies, cleaner water and
better access to healthcare. I am extremely focused on the
environment, medical care and education in China but concern and
complaints cannot change the current situation. I am passionate about
actively contributing and helping to solve these problems. We must
assume responsibility and take action to improve the environment that
our children will inherit, and this is why I strongly support the
efforts of The Nature Conservancy and agreed to take on the role of
China Chairman last year," Jack Ma continued.
"I hope that by taking this path and drawing attention to these
issues, we raise awareness among even more people, and that we
inspire and encourage our peers, partners and other entrepreneurs to
join us in our philanthropic efforts," said Joe Tsai.
The charitable initiative of Jack Ma and Joe Tsai was unanimously
endorsed by the board of directors of Alibaba.
Masayoshi Son, founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
SoftBank Corp. and a director of Alibaba, said: "I have tremendous
respect for this charitable initiative of Jack and Joe. I think it is
truly outstanding that the people of Alibaba are contributing to
Chinese society in this way, and I fully support the endeavor."
Jackie Reses, Chief Development Officer of Yahoo, Inc. and a
director of Alibaba, said: "I am impressed by the thoughtfulness and
community spirit behind the establishment of the two personal charity
trusts by Alibaba's co-founders and by their strong desire to give
back to the community."
Support from business and philanthropic leaders:
Michael R. Bloomberg, former Mayor of New York City and Founder of
Bloomberg Philanthropies, commented: "Jack Ma and Joe Tsai are both
very generous individuals who understand the importance of giving
back and helping others, which is reflected in the culture of
Alibaba. I've spent time with both of them to discuss their
commitment to improving lives. Their gifts set a new bar for
philanthropy in China, and hopefully other entrepreneurs and business
leaders around the world will follow in their footsteps."
Bill Gates, Co-Chair of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation;
Founder and Technology Advisor of Microsoft Corp. commented: "This is
terrific news. Jack and Joe's generosity, leadership and example will
do an immense amount of good, particularly in this remarkable time in
the development of philanthropy in China."
Warren Buffett, Trustee of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation;
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway,
commented: "Jack and Joe have been extraordinary leaders in business
and have now become leaders in philanthropy. I admire and applaud
About Jack Ma
Jack Ma is the lead founder of Alibaba Group. Since founding the
company in 1999, he served as chairman and chief executive officer
for more than a decade. Since May 2013, he has served as executive
chairman of Alibaba Group and continues to shape the company's
strategic direction and management development.
Mr. Ma, who holds a bachelor's degree in English from Hangzhou
Teacher's Institute, serves on the board of SoftBank Corp., a leading
digital information company that is publicly traded on the Tokyo
Stock Exchange. He is also a director of Huayi Brothers Media
Corporation, a media company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
In 2009, Mr. Ma became a trustee of The Nature Conservancy's China
program and joined the global board of directors of the organization
in 2010. Since May 2013, he has served as chair of The Nature
Conservancy's China board of directors. In September 2013, he joined
the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Foundation as a director.
About Joe Tsai
Joe Tsai is one of Alibaba Group's founders and has been a member
of the company's board of directors since its inception in 1999. He
previously served as the company's chief financial officer and, since
May 2013, has served as the company's executive vice-chairman,
responsible for strategic investments and acquisitions. From 1995 to
1999, Mr. Tsai worked in Hong Kong with Investor AB, the main
investment vehicle of Sweden's Wallenberg family, where he was
responsible for Asian private equity investments. Prior to that, he
was vice president and general counsel of Rosecliff, Inc., a
management buyout firm based in New York. Mr. Tsai is qualified to
practice law in the State of New York and, from 1990 to 1993, was an
associate attorney in the tax group of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, a New
York-based international law firm.
Mr. Tsai received his bachelor's degree in Economics and East
Asian Studies from Yale University and a juris doctor from Yale Law
School. He is a trustee of The Lawrenceville School in New Jersey,
United States.
ots Originaltext: Osborne & Partners
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