
FIAMM offers optimization of residential energy consumption costs through reliable renewable energy storage

Geschrieben am 27-05-2014

Montecchio Maggiore, Italy (ots) -

Independent power

FIAMM offers a range of solutions that are specifically designed
to allow households to significantly optimize the efficiency and
performance of their PV/wind renewable energy management. By storing
their own energy independently, households can not only reduce their
electric bill, but also avoid having to feed any excess electricity
back into the grid.

In addition, the FIAMM solutions also function as reliable
emergency UPS systems, by ensuring backup power supply in the event
of grid disturbances or failure.

Made to measure

FIAMM offers residential renewable energy storage solutions in
various capacities and technologies, suitable for different
consumption requirements, different cycle life expectations and
different budgets.

* The FIAMM RES 7.2 kWh storage system is available in 24-48V
configurations and uses proven VRLA Gel technology that is
maintenance free and ideal for reliable and deep discharge cycling
performance. It is a compact battery cabinet, equipped with front
terminal gel batteries, safety elements and cabling that is optimized
for smooth installation at the customer?s premises. Parallel
connection of up to 3 additional RES cabinets is possible (up to
14.4, 21.6 or 28.8 kWh), so that the storage system can be scaled to
increased autonomy requirements in the future.

* The FIAMM ESS "ALL-in-ONE? RESS solution is available with 8
and 16 kWh capacity. It is equipped with a FIAMM SoNick (sodium
nickel chloride) battery, an integrated inverter and a smart energy
management system, to maximize the sodium technology benefits, the
grid interface and the home energy optimization.

FIAMM in Germany

The sales of FIAMM and FIAMM SoNick solutions in Germany is
managed by the sales, application engineering and customer service
team of FIAMM GmbH in Köln, with the support of the FIAMM
headquarters in Italy. FIAMM's storage solutions are distributed
throughout Germany by a network of partners, specialized in the
integration and turnkey sales and installation of complete
residential energy storage systems to the end users.

FIAMM Industrial Batteries is a division of the FIAMM Group and a
global leader in stored energy solutions for industrial applications.
FIAMM produces quality batteries including traditional flooded and
valve regulated lead acid products, along with sodium nickel chloride
technology. Telecom providers, IT networks and data centers, railway
companies, power plants and industrial facilities, oil and gas
producers, emergency and security systems, renewable energy sites and
many other users rely on FIAMM batteries to store energy and provide
power whenever required to continue critical operations.

The headquarters of FIAMM Industrial Batteries are in Montecchio
Maggiore in Italy, with manufacturing plants in Italy, USA,
Switzerland and China.

FIAMM Energy Storage Solutions is a business unit of FIAMM Group
that is dedicated to energy storage systems. The strength of FIAMM
Energy Storage Solutions is SoNick, the innovative sodium nickel
chloride technology (also known as "salt-battery") that allows FIAMM
to provide customized storage solutions to fulfill both On-Grid and
Off-Grid Application requirements.

Thanks to the flexibility and multiservice capabilities of the
SoNick technology, combined with its outstanding safety, long-run
reliability and thermal benefits, FIAMM ESS is able to develop
modular storage solutions, ranging from small residential to large
storage systems that can support grid and stand-alone services.

The FIAMM ESS team provides our project partners with support and
expert advice to develop and tailor the most suitable solution.

Founded in 1942, the FIAMM Group is a manufacturer and distributor
of automotive starting batteries, industrial stationary batteries,
sodium nickel metal energy storage accumulators and acoustic
signaling devices.

The company has a global presence in 60 countries with
approximately 3300 employees and 10 manufacturing facilities. FIAMM?s
key customers include: BMW, Chrysler, Ford, Mercedes, GM-Opel, PSA,
Renault-Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen, Jaguar, Ferrari, Maserati,
Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, EDF and Bombardier.

For more information please contact:

FIAMM GmbH (Agent of FIAMM SpA)
Hansestrasse 101
51149 - Köln (Deutschland)
Phone: +49 2203 9257843
Fax: +49 2203 9257849

Meneghini & Associati
Viale Trento 56F ? 36100 VICENZA

Raffaela Saccardi
Cel. +39 348 7479416

Matteo Sanavio
Cel. + 39 348 7479415


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