BMW Group records best sales ever in July
Geschrieben am 08-08-2014 |
Munich (ots) -
Sales increase by 7.6% to 163,959 vehicles
Year-to-date deliveries rise 7.0% totalling 1,184,170
Over one million BMW brand vehicles sold in first seven months
Sales of BMW Group vehicles achieved a new high for the month of
July with a total of 163,959 vehicles delivered worldwide, an
increase of 7.6% over the same month last year (prev. yr. 152,351).
Global sales for the year-to-date are also the best ever with
1,184,170 vehicles delivered to customers in the first seven months
of the year (prev. yr. 1,106,852 / +7.0%)
"We are pleased to see the excellent sales results of the first
half-year continuing into July," said Ian Robertson, Member of the
Board of Management BMW AG, Sales and Marketing BMW. "Our focus is on
ensuring our sales remain balanced worldwide and we are confident
that our strong vehicle line-up will enable us to achieve this. The
success of our new vehicles such as the BMW X4, which went on sale in
July, demonstrates that we are providing our customers with what they
want." Summing up the global sales situation and looking ahead to the
rest of 2014, Robertson added, "We are confident that our positive
sales momentum will continue, ensuring we will sell more than two
million cars this year with a clear focus on profitable growth."
Global sales of BMW brand vehicles rose 8.4% to 139,399 units in
July (prev. yr. 128,596), bringing the year-to-date total to
1,025,747 - it's the first time the brand has sold over a million
vehicles this early in the year (prev. yr. 932,823 / +10.0%). Many
model segments show steady rates of growth. Deliveries of the top-
selling BMW 3 Series rose to 271,720 in the year-to-date (prev. yr.
255,745 / +6.2%) and the newly introduced BMW 4 Series posted sales
of 57,524 units in the same period. Sales of the BMW 5 Series rose by
7.4% in the first seven months of the year, with a total of 223,587
cars delivered (prev. yr. 208,093). Sales of the X family continue to
grow: July saw the first customer deliveries of the all- new BMW X4
and a total of 1,296 were sold in its first month with customer
demand for the vehicle high. The spectacular growth in sales of the
BMW X5 continues with sales in the year-to-date climbing 31.4% to
79,537 (prev. yr. 60,544).
One year after the international premiere of the all-electric BMW
i3, sales of the megacity vehicle rose to 6,620 in the year-to-date.
MINI sales figures are above last year's level, making it the
brand's best July ever. A total of 24,259 vehicles were delivered to
customers worldwide (prev. yr. 23,515 / +3.2%) and this positive
trend is expected to continue in the second half of the year. Sales
of the new third-generation MINI Hatch, the brand's core model, are
up 22.3% compared to the same month last year with a total of 11,970
delivered in July (prev. yr. 9,785). In the year-to-date, a total of
156,154 MINIs were sold (prev. yr. 172,314 / -9.4%).
BMW Motorrad achieved the best July result to date, with 11,661
motorcycles and maxi-scooters delivered (prev. yr. 11,241 / +3.7%).
Year-to-date, 82,639 vehicles were sold, a solid growth of 8.5% over
the same period last year (76,182).
The BMW Group made gains on all continents
In Asia, the company delivered 373,594 BMW and MINI brand vehicles
in the first seven months of the year, an increase of 17.2% compared
to July last year (prev. yr. 318,821). Strong double-digit growth
continues to be recorded in mainland China, where sales for the year-
to-date are up 21.8% to a total of 261,919 vehicles (prev. yr.
214,994). Another market in the region showing particularly strong
growth is South Korea, where deliveries for the same period totalled
25,736 vehicles (prev. yr. 22,053 / +16.7%).
Sales of BMW and MINI vehicles continued to grow steadily in the
Americas. Year-to-date, the region posted a sales plus of 3.6% with a
total of 259,658 vehicles delivered (prev. yr. 250,517). In the USA,
sales for the first seven months of the year totalled 213,754
vehicles, an increase of 5.4% on the same period in 2013 (prev. yr.
In Europe, BMW Group sales grew 2.8% since the beginning of the
year, with 513,707 BMW and MINI vehicles delivered to customers
(prev. yr. 499,902). July saw solid growth in Great Britain - the
company's fourth largest market - where sales increased 9.3% (12,920
/ prev. yr. 11,825). Year-to-date, sales increased 2.5% to a total of
111,261 vehicles (prev. yr. 108,578). The home market in Germany grew
strongly in July, where registrations of BMW and MINI vehicles
increased 8.7% to 23,646 vehicles.
BMW Group sales in/up to July 2014 at a glance
| |July 2014|Compared |Year-to- |Compared to|
| | |to |date |previous |
| | |previous | |year |
| | |year | | |
|BMW Group |163,959 |+7.6% |1,184,170 |+7.0% |
|Automobiles | | | | |
|BMW |139,399 |+8.4% |1,025,747 |+10.0% |
|MINI |24,259 |+3.2% |156,154 |-9.4% |
|BMW Motorrad |11,661 |+3.7% |82,639 |+8.5% |
The BMW Group
With its three brands BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce, the BMW Group is
the world's leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and
motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility
services. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 29 production
and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales
network in more than 140 countries.
In 2013, the BMW Group sold approximately 1.963 million cars and
115,215 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the
financial year 2013 was EUR 7.91 billion on revenues amounting to
approximately EUR 76.06 billion. As of 31 December 2013, the BMW
Group had a workforce of 110,351 employees.
The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term
thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore
established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value
chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to
conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy.
If you have any queries, please contact:
Corporate Communications
Mathias Schmidt, Business and Finance Communications,
Telephone: +49 89 382-24118, Fax: +49 89 382-24418
Nikolai Glies, Head of Business, Finance and Sustainability
Telephone: +49 89 382-24544, Fax: +49 89 382-24418
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