
Catlin Europe SE with significantly extended network for international programmes

Geschrieben am 28-08-2014

Cologne (ots) - The European subsidiary of the Catlin Group is
pleased to announce a new partnership with Globex International which
will enable it to offer its customers additional insurance cover in
more than 150 countries. As a result of this strategic partnership,
the global options now far exceed those provided solely by Catlin's
own network of more than 50 offices in 22 countries.

Insurers of international industrial companies often face the
challenge of providing insurance cover for the entire company from a
single source even when they don?t have branches in all relevant
countries. In such cases they generally make use of local insurance
companies, so-called fronting partners. Given the different
compliance requirements in the different markets where the branches
are located, meeting all customer needs through standard solutions is
generally not possible. Here, flexible, individual solutions are
called for.

"With Globex International we have gained a network partner who
further increases our flexibility in the management of international
programmes around the globe", says Ralf Tillenburg, CEO of Catlin
Europe SE.

The service provider specialising in administration and
organisation will help Catlin Europe to become a leading provider of
international insurance programmes especially in those market
segments that are less attractive to the major insurance companies
due to the size of the companies to be insured or the complexity of
the individual risks.

"By partnering with Globex, we expand our own specific network
significantly. Thus, we are able to offer our customers local
alternatives according to their specific needs to provide optimum
insurance cover," according to Ralf Tillenburg.

Catlin Europe was set up ten years ago in Cologne with the
underwriting of direct insurance risks in continental Europe. The
company now has 16 offices in eleven countries. In 2013 the Catlin
Group underwrote gross premiums of 5.3 billion USD.

Notes to editors:

1. Catlin Group Limited, headquartered in Bermuda, is an
international specialist property/casualty insurer and reinsurer that
underwrites worldwide through six underwriting hubs. Catlin shares
are traded on the London Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: CGL). More
information about Catlin can be found at www.catlin.com.

2. Catlin has established operating hubs in London, Bermuda, the
United States, the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and Canada. Through
these hubs, Catlin works closely with policyholders and their
brokers. The hubs also provide Catlin with product and geographic
diversity. Catlin's London hub manages the largest syndicate
operating at Lloyd's of London.

3. Catlin's underwriting units are rated 'A' by A.M. Best and
Standard & Poor's.

4. Catlin is the title sponsor of the Catlin Seaview Survey, a
major scientific expedition that is documenting the health of coral
reefs around the world. During 2012 the Survey investigated the Great
Barrier Reef off Australia, while during 2013 it studied coral reefs
near Bermuda and in the Caribbean. The 2014 Survey is focusing on the
Coral Triangle in Asia. The impartial scientific data gathered by the
Catlin Seaview Survey is intended to strengthen the understanding of
how changes beneath the oceans' surface are impacting the rest of our
planet. More information is available at www.CatlinSeaviewSurvey.com.

For more information contact:

James Burcke, Head of Corporate Affairs, London
Tel: +44 (0)20 7458 5710
Mobile: +44 (0)7958 767 738
E-mail: james.burcke@catlin.com


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