Reveal: New Creative Collaboration with Fashion Designer Iris Van Herpen
Geschrieben am 04-09-2014 |
New York (ots/PRNewswire) -
"Dom Perignon Metamorphosis by Iris Van Herpen"
The Power of Creation meets the transverse universe of Iris van
Last night, on the eve of New York Fashion Week, in presence of
the models Anja Rubik and Coco Rocha, Andrew Van Wyngarden from the
band MGMT, Carmelo Anthony, Kelly Rutherford, the DJ Bob Sinclar and
many others, the Dom Perignon champagne announced its promising new
collaboration with world-renowned designer Iris van Herpen: Dom
Perignon Metamorphosis by Iris van Herpen. The occasion revealed the
limited editions for end-of-year 2014: Cocoonase, the ueber-premium,
made-to-order piece of art designed by Iris van Herpen, and an
exclusive serie of gift boxes featuring a bottle of Dom Perignon
Vintage 2004, whose label also inspired the creator.
To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:
This exclusive new collaboration combines Iris van Herpen's
forward-thinking aesthetic with the Dom Perignon champagne's playful
expression, limitless innovation and taste for reinvention. She won
the prestigious ANDAM fashion award (2014 grand prize).
Dom Perignon Metamorphosis by Iris van Herpen marks the end of Dom
Perignon Vintage 2004 as we know it in its first Plenitude and
celebrates its pending metamorphosis into P2, or Second Plenitude of
the Dom Perignon Vintage. All that we know may disappear for a time,
but it will rise again - transformed and reinvented.
The new limited edition centers upon metamorphosis: signifying the
closure of one period and the birth of another, and a powerful symbol
of evolution, transformation and renaissance. Throughout its history,
the Dom Perignon champagne has been intricately linked to the concept
of metamorphosis. The spiritual legacy of Dom Pierre Perignon
constantly reinvents itself throughout the ages, selectively choosing
when to emerge in the form of a new vintage.
In Cocoonase, Iris van Herpen was inspired by the importance of
time in crafting the Dom Perignon vintages: the agility and speed
needed to pick the best grapes at their peak of perfection, versus
the wine's many potent years of active maturation. Cocoonase
highlights this duality of time to underscore the singularity of Dom
Perignon wines.
"The name Cocoonase references the butterfly which softens her
cocoon shell before she goes into her next stage of metamorphosis,"
said Iris van Herpen. "This piece of art houses Dom Perignon Vintage
2004, symbolically nestled inside of the cocoon structure, and its
fine ribs and lines represent a one-way passage out. Cocoonase acts
as a shield that protects the Dom Perignon bottle as it prepares for
its metamorphosis."
Iris van Herpen also designed a limited edition of bottles and
gift boxes for Dom Perignon Vintage 2004.
The Dom Perignon Vintage 2004 gift box and label of the bottle are
inflected with green in all its vibrant exuberance, illustrating the
organic power that is generated within the wine in the process of its
transformation to P2. For the Dom Perignon brand, the green-dark
color is an important code and chromatic expression. This penetrating
darkness is a reflection of the soul of the wine, and its intensity,
depth and complexity.
Dom Perignon P2 is the new, energetic facet of the Dom Perignon
universe. An exponential leap into a higher definition of wine, the
Dom Perignon vintage experiences a Second Plenitude, or window of
expression, after a period of extended and active elaboration.
In the darkness of the cellars, the wine achieves its Second
Plenitude after a minimum 16 years of elaboration for a Blanc - or 18
years for a Rose. The wine is lifted, bursting forth with a
penetrating energy, speaking out clearly after a metamorphosis in the
absolute calm and silence of the cellars.
Vintage 2004 leaves its mark on the history of Dom Perignon for
its ease and harmony. After no fewer than eight years of aging on the
lees, Dom Perignon Vintage 2004 revealed its first radiant
expression, with the promise of additional Plenitudes to come. From
the very start, Vintage 2004 opens up in an astonishing way, with
great ease and symbiotic. Gradually, with rare elegance, it glides
between density and buoyancy in a seamless crescendo leading into the
chiseled complexity of a singular universe.
On the nose, aromas of almond and powdered cocoa develop gradually
into white fruit with hints of dried flowers. Classic toasted notes
give a rounded finish and denote a fully realized maturity.
On the palate, the wine instantly traces an astoundingly fine line
between density and weightlessness. Its precision is extreme,
tactile, dark and chiseled. The full taste lingers with the utmost
elegance on a sappy, spicy note.
Julie Poiraud
International Press & PR Manager
Meighan McFalls
Agence ELAN
ots Originaltext: Dom Perignon
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