The 2014 WISE Awards Winners Announced
Geschrieben am 17-09-2014 |
Doha, Qatar (ots/PRNewswire) -
WISE Awards recognize six innovative initiatives in education
The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), a leading
international initiative driving innovation and collaboration in
education, has announced the six 2014 WISE Awards winning projects.
Since 2009 the WISE Awards have identified and promoted some of the
most effective practices in tackling urgent global education
To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:
The six 2014 WISE Awards winning projects address an array of
education challenges linked to employment, creativity, access and
- The Song Room [ ] - Australia
- Providing arts-based programs enhancing the education, personal development and
community involvement of the country's disadvantaged children.
- Street Children: Reintegration through Education
[ ]
- Egypt - Reducing the number of children living and working on the streets of Cairo
by providing child-friendly education and life skills.
- Me & MyCity [ ] - Finland - A
hands-on learning environment offering pupils positive experiences of
entrepreneurship , the economy and society.
- Educate Girls [ ] - India -
Improving girls' enrolment, retention and academic performance in government schools
through community empowerment.
- We Love Reading [ ] - Jordan -
Encouraging children to read for pleasure through a cost-efficient, grassroots
- Alternate Education for Rural Development in Peru
[ ] -
Peru/Spain - Promoting integration of rural work and school life to improve students'
employment prospects.
A Jury comprised of education leaders, chaired by H.E. Sheikh
Abdulla bin Ali Al-Thani, Chairman of WISE, selected the winning
projects from a shortlist of 15 finalists, chosen from hundreds of
H.E. Sheikh Abdulla bin Ali Al-Thani remarked: "These initiatives
demonstrate how transformative educational programs not only bring
real change to the classroom, but can also have a wider influence in
communities and society."
The six 2014 WISE Awards winning projects will be celebrated at a
Gala Dinner during the sixth World Innovation Summit for Education,
November 4-6, 2014, in Doha, Qatar.
For further information about WISE and the WISE Awards, please go
to or
About the WISE Awards:
Each year, the WISE Awards recognize and promote six successful
innovative projects that are addressing global education challenges.
Since 2009, WISE has received more than 2,000 applications from over
140 countries. With the announcement of the 2014 WISE Awards, 36
projects have now been recognized around the world from a variety of
sectors for their innovative character, their positive contribution
and for scalability and adaptability.
About the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE):
The World Innovation Summit for Education was established by Qatar
Foundation in 2009 under the patronage of its Chairperson, Her
Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser. WISE is an international,
multi-sectoral platform for creative thinking, debate and purposeful
action toward building the future of education through innovation and
partnership. Through the annual Summit and a range of ongoing
initiatives, WISE is a global reference in new approaches to
education. WISE 2014 will take place November 4-6 in Doha.
ots Originaltext: World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)
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