
CENX Cortx Service Orchestrator Ushers in The Third Network

Geschrieben am 24-09-2014

Ottawa, Ontario (ots/PRNewswire) -

Ecosystem Enables Agile, Assured, Orchestrated Services

CENX [http://cenx.com ], a global leader of Service Orchestration
solutions for software-defined networks, today announced that it is
collaborating with MEF member companies, Accedian Networks
[http://www.accedian.com ], EXFO [http://www.exfo.com ] and JDSU
[http://www.jdsu.com ], for product interoperability, to usher in the
Metro Ethernet Forum [http://metroethernetforum.org ] (MEF) vision of
The Third Network. MEF's vision of a new network, which marries the
ubiquity of the public Internet with the performance and security
benefits of private networks, can only be realized with a vendor
ecosystem that supports open programmable interfaces for agile
service fulfillment and assurance.

"CENX continues to be solidly aligned with MEF initiatives with
Cortx Service Orchestrator. We are committed to the realization of
The Third Network vision," said Chris Purdy, CTO of CENX. "Our
successful cooperation with Accedian Networks, EXFO and JDSU paves
the way to achieving the goal of on-demand, dynamically-upgradeable,
quality-assured network services."

The Third Network vision converges with other industry
initiatives: LTE, Cloud, SDN and NFV. This networking transformation
brings tremendous revenue and savings opportunities yet introduces
complexity to service providers' operations. CENX's Cortx Service
Orchestrator [http://cenx.com/cortx-service-orchestrator/index.html ]
provides the needed abstraction layer for streamlined services
management across network domains and technologies. Using open
interfaces, Cortx Service Orchestrator interoperates with a broad
industry ecosystem, including leading probe and test vendors, OSS,
NMS, SDN Controllers, NFV Orchestrators, and network elements, to
initiate actions and mine network big data in real-time. Analytics
results are visualized on the Cortx graphical dashboards.

- CENX has partnered with Accedian for its real-time network monitoring
capabilities. The Accedian V-NID
[http://www.accedian.com/en/products/v-nid-suite-overview.html ] solution measures
network performance from the core to edge and sends detailed metrics to the Cortx
Service Orchestrator, enabling services turn-up verification and continuous SLA
"The Cortx Service Orchestrator unifies multi-vendor networks in the same way our
V-NID platform captures the Network State," explained Scott Sumner, VP Solutions
Development. "Combining orchestration with a live Quality of Service (QoS) feed means
intelligent decisions can be made to optimize performance, dynamically."
- CENX's Cortx Service Orchestrator and EXFO's BrixWorx assurance system are
jointly deployed at a mobile Tier 1 service provider for real-time troubleshooting
and SLA management in its backhaul network. The BrixWorx system
[http://www.exfo.com/brixworx ] delivers highly scalable and reliable service
validation and assurance for IP/Ethernet services, enabling secure, remote deployment
and management across the entire network. Cortx Service Orchestrator consumes
BrixWorx's Service Operations, Administration and Maintenance (SOAM) test results for
real-time analytics of utilization and performance.
"Leveraging the advanced activation, monitoring and reporting capabilities from
EXFO's service validation and assurance solution, CENX Cortx Service Orchestrator
gives the operator complete visibility into every layer of the infrastructure, from
transport to advance services, making it simple to segment the network to predict and
diagnose faults as well as targeting diagnostic efforts towards specific network
areas for faster and more effective intervention," said Claudio Mazzuca, VP of EXFO's
Service Assurance Division.
- CENX's Cortx Service Orchestrator has been jointly deployed with JDSU's
EtherAssure Solution
[http://www.jdsu.com/en-us/Test-and-Measurement/Products/a-z-product-list/Pages/netcomplete-ethernet.aspx ]
in a Tier 1 service provider's mobile backhaul network for
service activation, real-time fault isolation, and performance management. The JDSU
EtherAssure solution, combined with PacketPortal JMEP (JDSU's Micro Ethernet Probe),
is a scalable, vendor-agnostic, end-to-end assurance solution for Ethernet services
activation and real-time monitoring.
"JDSU EtherAssure, together with CENX Cortx Service Orchestrator, uniquely
simplifies and scales Ethernet lifecycle management from order entry, to service
activation and performance monitoring," said Richard Piasentin, VP and GM of JDSU
PacketPortal and Ethernet Assurance business.

CENX will be discussing its capabilities in support of The Third
Network at the MEF GEN14 [http://www.gen14.com ] event, November
17-20th and at SDN & OpenFlow World Congress
[http://www.layer123.com/sdn ], October 14-17th.

About CENX

CENX provides Service Orchestration solutions that automate the
entire lifecycle of advanced data services in software-defined
networks. We harness the power of big data, distributed virtualized
computing and real-time analytics to dynamically orchestrate and
assure services across multiple network technologies and providers.
CENX solutions are deployed by service providers worldwide to create
new revenue streams, gain service agility, reduce operational costs,
and deliver quality-assured data services. http://www.cenx.com

About Accedian Networks

Accedian Networks is the Performance Assurance Solution Specialist
for mobile backhaul & small cells, business services and service
provider SDN. Open, multi-vendor interoperable and programmable
solutions go beyond standard-based performance assurance to deliver
Network State+(TM), the most complete view of network health.

About EXFO

Listed on the NASDAQ and TSX stock exchanges, EXFO is a leading
provider of next-generation test, service assurance and end-to-end
quality of experience solutions for mobile and fixed network
operators and equipment manufacturers in the global
telecommunications industry. EXFO's intelligent solutions with
contextually relevant analytics improve end-user quality of
experience, enhance network performance and drive operational
efficiencies throughout the network and service delivery lifecycle.
Key technologies supported include 3G, 4G/LTE, VoLTE, IMS, video,
Ethernet/IP, SNMP, OTN, FTTx, xDSL and various optical technologies
accounting for more than 38% of the global portable fiber-optic test
market. EXFO has a staff of approximately 1600 people in 25
countries, supporting more than 2000 customers worldwide.

About JDSU

JDSU is the worldwide leading provider of Network and Service
Enablement solutions including testing, monitoring, assurance, and
analytics. JDSU helps customers overcome the operational challenges
faced when dealing with new technology and service introductions.
JDSU is working with partners such as CENX to develop next-generation
virtualized solutions used for the monitoring and assurance of
next-generation networks. http://www.JDSU.com

Links and search terms




CENX, MEF, Service Orchestration, Cortx Service Orchestrator,
Ethernet transport services, Carrier Ethernet, software-defined
networking, SDN, network functions virtualization, NFV, cloud data
center, Ethernet access, mobile backhaul, big data analytics, network
monitoring, next-generation OSS

Follow CENX




For further information:
Hannah Whitrow
Zonic Group PR

ots Originaltext: CENX
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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