EANS-Information of Significance: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft / 2014 not a
brilliant year for Binder+Co, but a good basis for 2015
Geschrieben am 12-03-2015 |
Information Of Significance transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a
Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content
of this announcement.
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
-2014 sales revenues at EUR 88.0 million slightly down on those of
the previous year -EBIT considerably lower at EUR 4.3 million -Bublon
GmbH makes a positive contribution to results in only its second
business year -Order intake up by 22% at EUR 109.2 million
Karl Grabner, from the Binder+Co Management Board: “2014 was
certainly not a brilliant year for Binder+Co and both sales revenues
and EBIT were below the levels of 2013. On the one hand, this was due
to the poor order intake in the first quarter and on the other, to
initial losses at our younger subsidiaries. However, a turnaround
commenced in the second quarter with a marked improvement in demand
and a 22% increase in order intake as compared to 2013 provides a
good basis for the current financial year.”
Problematic and inconsistent market environment Particularly in the
EU, demand in the industries served by Binder+Co remained weak in
2014 and almost inevitably this led to a deterioration in result
margins, which was especially evident in the plant and systems area.
By contrast, Binder+Co experienced strong demand from the global
potash processing industry and the North American recycling market.
Sales revenues and EBIT down on the preceding year
On the basis of order backlog of EUR 36.59 million at the beginning
of the financial year, Binder+Co achieved consolidated sales revenues
of EUR 87.94 million in 2014, which were thus 5.5% down on the
previous year. The main reason for this decline was the lack of
large-volume system and plant orders. EBIT fell from EUR 5.39 million
to EUR 4.30 million owing to both the high level of competitive
pressure in the markets and branches served in Europe, residual costs
derived from the sizeable fluctuations in the use of capacity, and
the negative EBIT contributions from the Comec-Binder S.r.l. und
Binder+Co Machinery (Tianjin) Ltd. subsidiaries. As a consequence,
the EBIT margin declined to 4.9% (2013: 5.8%).
Processing Technology Segment with new order intake record Processing
Technology is the strongest segment in terms of sales revenues, but
in 2014 its business was characterized by systems orders obtained
under price pressure, which resulted in a tangible reduction in
result quality. Furthermore, the losses at the Comec-Binder S.r.l.
and Binder+Co Machinery (Tianjin) Ltd. subsidiaries, which are
reported in this segment, had a negative effect on the segment
result. By contrast, the Bublon GmbH was already able to make a
positive contribution to results in its second year of business.
Segment sales revenues amounted to EUR 46.58 million and thus
constituted 52.97% of total sales revenues. Owing to strong single
machine and spare part business results, segment EBIT, which was
negative in 2013, was clearly positive at EUR 1.01 million. Moreover,
order intake stood at a new record level of EUR 57.94 million.
Environmental Technology Segment under pressure Demand for
Environmental Technology Segment products during 2014 fell short of
expectations and in addition competitive pressure increased sharply.
Nonetheless, as a consequence of the capture of several plant
projects from mid-year onwards, order intake was raised considerably
to EUR 20.52 million. Sales revenues were down on the 2013 figure at
EUR 18,87 million and therefore in 2014 the Environmental Technology
Segment provided 21.46% of total sales revenues. Relatively low
result margins on plant and systems projects resulted in an EBIT
contribution of only EUR 0.30 million.
Packaging Technology with virtually doubled order intake In 2014, the
independent subsidiary Statec Binder GmbH nearly doubled its order
intake to a total of EUR 30.73 million. Segment sales revenues were
down on the record level of 2013 at EUR 22.49 million, but remained
well above the average of recent years. Moreover, with EBIT of EUR
2.99 million, Packaging Technology again provided a highly
significant percentage of group EBIT.
Export business further enlarged The international share of total
sales revenues rose slightly to 94.2%, thus again underlining the
enormous importance of export business. With a share of sales
revenues of 42.5%, Western Europe (excluding Austria) was once more
the largest sales market, followed by Asia and Australia with 26.1%,
while Africa provided 9.7%, the Americas 8.5%, Central and Eastern
Europe (CEE and CIS) 7.4% of sales revenues.
Demand clearly higher Binder+Co was able to raise its order intake by
22% to EUR 109.19 million and therefore as at 31 December 2014,
possessed an order backlog of EUR 57.80 million for 2015 and
subsequent years.
Binder+Co share price development Starting from a level of EUR 21.40
at the beginning of 2014, during the year the price of the Binder+Co
share fell by 11.9% to close at EUR 18.85. It was therefore 188.5%
above the value of the initial quotation on 27 December 2006.
Outlook With an order backlog of EUR 57.80 million at the beginning
of the year, in 2015 it should be possible to resume the growth
course initiated in 2008 with renewed intensity and thus secure a
solid basis for further expansion. The objective of the management is
to maintain sales growth and result quality at a level above the
branch average.
The Binder+Co Group Binder+Co is a specialist in the field of
processing, environmental and packaging technology and the world
market leader in the screening and glass recycling segments. The
company was listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange at the end of 2006
and is now part of the Third Market in the mid market segment. The
Binder+Co Group consists of Binder+Co AG, the three fully owned
subsidiaries Comec-Binder S.r.l., Bublon GmbH and Binder+Co Machinery
(Tianjin) Ltd., as well as the Statec Binder GmbH joint venture
Further inquiry note:
Karl Grabner, Member of the Board, Tel.: +43/3112/800-363,
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: Binder+Co Aktiengesellschaft
Grazerstraße 19-25
A-8200 Gleisdorf
phone: +43 3112 800-363
FAX: +43 3112 800-320
mail: karl.grabner@binder-co.at
WWW: www.binder-co.com
sector: Machine Manufacturing
indexes: mid market
stockmarkets: Third Market: Wien
language: English
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