EANS-News: Semperit AG Holding / Semperit Acquires German Profile Producer Leeser
Geschrieben am 23-03-2015 |
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Mergers - Acquisitions - Takeovers
* Segment Semperform strengthens market position in a step towards
further expansion
Semperit AG Holding ("Semperit") has acquired Leeser GmbH & Co. KG
("Leeser"), a German manufacturer of high quality rubber seals. In
this way Semperit is strengthening the Segment Semperform as a
complete provider on the profiles market, and has thus taken a
further step in its expansion on the growth market for building
profiles. The purchase agreement was signed on 19th of March, 2015.
The acquisition is subject to approval by anti-trust authorities. The
closing of the transaction is expected in the second quarter of 2015.
The two parties agreed to maintain confidentiality about the
acquisition price.
Leeser operates two production plants located near Düsseldorf,
Germany. In 2014 Leeser generated revenue of approx. EUR 37 million
in Europe, employing a workforce of about 200 people. The sales focus
of the company established in 1968 is mainly on the markets in
Western Europe and the region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Perfect complement to Semperform's sealing business "Leeser is an
excellently positioned company. It perfectly complements our existing
Semperform business thanks to its high quality product portfolio and
innovative solutions", says Thomas Fahnemann, Chief Executive Officer
of Semperit AG Holding. "The acquisition comprises a further
important step in the implementation of our growth strategy. With
Leeser we can more effectively serve new customers and markets and
strengthen our technological base. Another core aspect of the
transaction is Leeser's employees. Thanks to this transaction, we can
secure the continuing viability of Leeser and the jobs of its
employees on a long-term basis within the Semperit Group. Together we
will grow further and offer added value to our customers and
shareholders", he adds.
About Semperit The publicly listed company Semperit AG Holding is an
internationally-oriented group that develops, produces, and sells in
more than 100 countries highly specialised rubber and plastic
products for the medical and industrial sectors: examination and
surgical gloves, hydraulic and industrial hoses, conveyor belts,
escalator handrails, construction profiles, cable car rings, and
products for railway superstructures. The headquarters of this
long-standing Austrian company, which was founded in 1824, are
located in Vienna, and the global R & D centre is in Wimpassing,
Lower Austria. The Semperit Group employs about 11,600 people
worldwide, including close to 9,000 in Asia and more than 800 in
Austria (Vienna and production site in Wimpassing, Lower Austria).
The Group has 22 manufacturing facilities worldwide and numerous
sales offices in Europe, Asia, and America. In 2013 the group
generated sales of EUR 906 million and an EBITDA of EUR 133 million.
About Semperform The Segment Semperform of the Semperit Group is a
leading European manufacturer of moulded and extrusion products made
of rubber and plastic. The extensive product portfolio ranges from
escalator handrails, elastomer and seal profiles for windows and
doors, anti-vibration membranes for skis and snowboards to sleeper
beds for railway tracks and cable car rings. These customised
products are manufactured at production sites in Austria, Germany,
Hungary and China. In 2013 the Segment Semperform generated revenue
of EUR 131 million (about 14% of total Group revenue) and an EBITDA
of EUR 25 million. With 40% of the segment revenue the business unit
construction profiles is the largest within Semperform.
Further inquiry note:
Martina Büchele
Head of Group Communications
Tel.: +43 676 8715 8621
Stefan Marin
Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 676 8715 8210
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Semperit AG Holding
Modecenterstrasse 22
A-1030 Wien
phone: +43 1 79 777-210
FAX: +43 1 79 777-602
mail: investor@semperitgroup.com
WWW: www.semperitgroup.com
sector: Synthetics & Plastics
ISIN: AT0000785555
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ViDX, Prime Market, ATX Global Players
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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weitere Artikel:
- EANS-News: Semperit AG Holding / Semperit übernimmt deutschen Profilhersteller
Leeser --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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* Segment Semperform stärkt Marktposition und setzt weiteren
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