EANS-News: Semperit AG Holding / Semperit Initiates Further Expansion Phase in
Europe's Largest Hose Plant
Geschrieben am 13-04-2015 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information
- Investments of approx. EUR 15 million until 2016
- Industrial hose production to increase by about 40%
- Additional hydraulic hose capacities already well utilised
The Semperit Group is investing approximately EUR 15 million to
further expand its hose production at the Semperflex facility in
Odry, Czech Republic. The investment programme launched now will
increase production capacities of industrial hoses by about 40% by
the second quarter of 2016. Even after the recent coming on stream of
additional hydraulic hose production capacities, Semperit is quickly
progressing with the expansion of Europe's largest hose plant.
"We succeeded in significantly increasing sales volumes in recent
years and gained additional market shares in spite of the weak
economy", says Thomas Fahnemann, Chief Executive Officer of Semperit
AG Holding. "The hydraulic hose capacities put into operation in
January 2015 are already well utilised. We are further expanding
production in Odry in order to continue on our growth path and
satisfy the strong demand for industrial hoses".
Expansion of industrial hose production The investments are designed
to extend production capacities for industrial hoses by the middle of
2016. Capacity for mandrel built industrial hoses utilised mainly by
the construction, oil and transport industries, will be increased by
more than half. Production capacity for extruded long length
industrial hoses, used by the welding and mechanical engineering
industries and for automobile manufacturing, amongst other purposes,
will be raised by about one-third at the turn of the year 2015/16.
The new industrial hose production process will be even more
efficient and of superior quality thanks to the application of
state-of-the-art robot technology.
New hydraulic hose capacities are already being well utilised In 2014
Semperit invested more than EUR 10 million to expand hydraulic hose
production in Odry. As a result the production capacity available to
Semperflex in the Czech Republic climbed by about 30%. These
additional capacities have already been in operation since January
2015, and are already well booked with customer orders.
Against the backdrop of the current challenging business environment,
medium to long-term demand for hoses is expected to be positive.
Demand will be driven by long-term global growth in the mechanical
engineering and construction industries as well as in mining. In
particular, emerging markets catching up with developed countries and
infrastructure expansion will ensure ongoing demand for hydraulic and
industrial hoses integrated into construction and agricultural
The outlook for capital expenditure (CAPEX) of the Semperit Group in
2015 is planned at about EUR 75 million (2014: EUR 74 million), of
which approximately EUR 50 million relates to growth investments.
About Semperit The publicly listed company Semperit AG Holding is an
internationally-oriented group that develops, produces, and sells in
more than 100 countries highly specialised rubber and plastic
products for the medical and industrial sectors: examination and
surgical gloves, hydraulic and industrial hoses, conveyor belts,
escalator handrails, construction profiles, cable car rings, and
products for railway superstructures. The headquarters of this
long-standing Austrian company, which was founded in 1824, are
located in Vienna, and the global R & D centre is in Wimpassing,
Lower Austria. The Semperit Group employs about 6,900 people
worldwide, including close to 4,100 in Asia and more than 800 in
Austria (Vienna and production site in Wimpassing, Lower Austria).
The Group has 20 manufacturing facilities worldwide and numerous
sales offices in Europe, Asia, and America. In 2014 the group
generated sales of EUR 930 million and an EBITDA of EUR 136 million.
About Semperflex The Semperflex segment of the Semperit Group
develops, manufactures and markets worldwide hydraulic hoses,
industrial hoses, elastomer sheeting and abrasion protection.
Production at sites in Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, China
and Thailand takes place in line with the highest quality standards.
Semperflex plans to further strengthen its leading market position by
continually expanding production capacities and increasing its
presence on growth markets. In 2014 the Semperflex segment generated
revenue of EUR 202 million and an EBITDA of EUR 49 million.
About Semperflex Optimit Semperflex Optimit is the largest producer
of hydraulic and industrial hoses in Europe with an export rate of
about 90%. The factory located in the east of the Czech Republic is
part of the Semperit Group since
Further inquiry note:
Martina Büchele
Head of Group Communications
Tel.: +43 676 8715 8621
Stefan Marin
Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 676 8715 8210
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Semperit AG Holding
Modecenterstrasse 22
A-1030 Wien
phone: +43 1 79 777-210
FAX: +43 1 79 777-602
mail: investor@semperitgroup.com
WWW: www.semperitgroup.com
sector: Synthetics & Plastics
ISIN: AT0000785555
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime, ViDX, Prime Market, ATX Global Players
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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