EANS-News: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft / Chief Financial Officer Thomas Melzer to
Leave Wolford AG as of July 31,2015
Geschrieben am 30-04-2015 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Board of Directors (Appointments and Changes)
Chief Financial Officer Thomas Melzer to Leave Wolford AG as of July
Existing Board members Ashish Sensarma and Axel Dreher to assume
responsibility for the areas of Finance, Investor Relations, Human
Resources, Legal Affairs and IT
Vienna/Bregenz, April 30, 2015. Thomas Melzer, Chief Financial
Officer of Wolford AG, will leave the company on his own request
effective July 31, 2015 after nearly three successful years working
on behalf of the company, and will pursue new professional
challenges. Mr. Melzer asked the Supervisory Board not to extend his
expiring Executive Board mandate after he completes work on the
consolidated financial statements for the 2014/15 financial year. The
other two Executive Board members Ashish Sensarma and Axel Dreher
will assume Mr. Melzer's management responsibilities.
"Thomas Melzer has made a decisive contribution to the strategic
refocusing of Wolford AG and the company's operational turnaround. He
implemented major improvements in his own and other areas of
responsibility at the company. The Supervisory Board thanks Mr.
Melzer for his valuable work over the past years. We regret his
decision to leave the company and wish him continued success in his
professional career in the future", says Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler,
Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Wolford AG.
The duties carried out by Thomas Melzer will be divided between
Ashish Sensarma and Axel Dreher. In addition to Brand & Marketing as
well as Sales, Ashish Sensarma will also assume responsibility for IT
operations. For his part, Axel Dreher will take over Finance, Human
Resources, Investor Relations and Legal Affairs in the future in
addition to his currently being responsible for Production &
Technology, Creative Direction, Product Development and Supply Chain
Management. "The new distribution of tasks ensures the smooth
transfer of management responsibility across all business areas. Mr.
Sensarma and Mr. Dreher have extensive experience in their respective
fields and will be supported by a strong team on the next management
level", Antonella Mei-Pochtler concludes.
About Wolford AG: Wolford AG, which is headquartered in Bregenz on
Lake Constance (Austria), operates 16 subsidiaries and markets its
products in roughly 60 countries through 270 monobrand stores (own
and partner-operated), approximately 3,000 trading partners and
online. The company, which has been listed on the Vienna Stock
Exchange since 1995, generated revenues of EUR155.87 million in the
2013/ 14 financial year (May 1, 2013 - April 30, 2014) and has
approx. 1,560 employees. Since its founding in 1950, Wolford has
become a leading global manufacturer's brand in the segment of luxury
legwear, exclusive lingerie and high quality bodywear.
Further inquiry note:
Wolford AG
Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler
Tel. +43 5574 690 1268
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
Wolfordstrasse 1
A-6900 Bregenz
phone: +43 (0) 5574 690-1268
FAX: +43 (0) 5574 690-1219
mail: investor@wolford.com
WWW: company.wolford.com
sector: Textiles & Clothing
ISIN: AT0000834007
indexes: ATX Prime, ATX Global Players
stockmarkets: free trade: Frankfurt, regulated dealing: Wien, ADR: New York
language: English
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