EANS-News: S&T AG concludes EUR 22 million deal in Poland
Geschrieben am 19-08-2015 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Subtitle: Company's business in Eastern Europe is developing rapidly
- S&T secures largest order in its history
S&T AG (www.snt.at) has secured a large-sized order from a client
based in Eastern Europe. S&T was awarded today by Poland's government
a EUR 22.5 million project. It is in the IT services segment. The
commission entails the provision of services in the areas of
operation, migration, support and training, plus the supplying and
implementation of software adapted to project specifications and of
network infrastructure. S&T's subsidiary in Poland has the largest
sales and rate of growth of any of the company's outlets in Eastern
Europe. The project is to be concluded within 18 months.
"The S&T Group has overcome a phase of low growth - caused by the
region's economy - and is now massively ramping up its business in
Eastern Europe. Viewed on a y-on-y basis, our business in Poland is
set to grow by more than 50% in 2015. Such large contracts open a lot
of doors - and give rise to follow-up orders," states Hannes
Niederhauser, Chairman of S&T's Managing Board.
On S&T AG: S&T AG (www.snt.at, ISIN AT0000A0E9W5, WKN A0X9EJ, SANT)
is a high-tech corporation. It employs some 2,300 employees, and
maintains subsidiaries and offices in 19 countries. S&T AG provides
IT systems. It is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange's Prime
Standard segment. These systems are comprised in the company's
comprehensive portfolio of IT solutions and services. These make S&T
one of the leading suppliers in Central and Eastern Europe. S&T is a
renowned manufacturer of products featuring proprietary technologies.
Its wide- ranging portfolio includes proprietary developments in such
areas as appliances, cloud security and smart energy.
Further inquiry note:
ir@snt.at; +431801911125;
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: S&T AG
Industriezeile 35
A-4021 Linz
phone: +43 664 6119214
FAX: +43 1 80191 1290
mail: ir@snt.at
WWW: www.snt.at
sector: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: AT0000A0E9W5, DE000A1HJLL6
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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