
EANS-General Meeting: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft / Invitation to the General Meeting

Geschrieben am 20-08-2015

General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
Bregenz, FN 68605 s
ISIN AT0000834007
(hereinafter referred to as the "Company")


We hereby invite our shareholders to the

28th Annual General Meeting of Wolford Aktiengesellschaft on
Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 13:00 CET, at the premises of Wolford
Aktiengesellschaft, Wolfordstraße 1, 6900 Bregenz, Austria

Agenda 1.Presentation of the approved Annual Financial Statements
according to the Austrian Commercial Code ("Austrian GAAP") as of
April 30, 2015 including the Notes and the Management Report thereto,
the Corporate Governance Report, the Consolidated Financial
Statements according to IFRS as of April 30, 2015 including the
Consolidated Notes and the Consolidated Management Report thereto as
well as the Report of the Supervisory Board for the 2014/15 financial
year according to section 96 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act
("AktG") as well as the report about the balance sheet result set out
in the Annual Financial Statements as of April 30, 2015 according to
Austrian GAAP

2.Resolution on the appropriation of the balance sheet result as of
April 30, 2015

3.Resolution on the release of the members of the Management Board
from liability for the 2014/15 financial year

4.Resolution on the release of the members of the Supervisory Board
from liability for the 2014/15 financial year

5.Resolution on a)the annulment of the resolutions passed by the 12th
Annual General Meeting of Wolford Aktiengesellschaft held on
September 6, 1999 with respect to item 6 on the agenda, inasmuch as
it relates to the issuing of own shares (treasury shares) in
accordance with the stock option plan resolved upon by the Annual
General Meeting and the sale of the shares which were not issued in
accordance with the stock option plan; b)approval to be granted on
the issuing or resale of the treasury shares acquired on the basis of
the resolution passed by the Annual General Meeting held on September
6, 1999 other than on the stock exchange or by means of a public
offering in accordance with Section 65 Para. 1b Austrian Stock
Corporation Act within the context of a long-term incentive program
for members of the Management Board of the Company; c)approval to be
granted on the issuing or resale of the treasury shares acquired on
the basis of the resolution passed by the Annual General Meeting held
on September 6, 1999 other than on the stock exchange or by means of
a public offering in accordance with Section 65 Para. 1b Austrian
Stock Corporation Act within the context of the employee
participation and profit-sharing programs for top executives and
members of the Management Board of the Company.

6.Election of the statutory auditor for the Annual Financial
Statements according to Austrian GAAP and the Consolidated Financial
Statements according to IFRS for the 2014/15 financial year

Documents for the General Meeting

The following documents will be available to the shareholders for
inspection from Thursday, August 20, 2015, at the premises of the
Company, 6900 Bregenz, Wolfordstraße 1, Austria, during office hours
of the Company, Monday until Thursday from 9:00 until 17:00 CET, and
Friday from 9:00 until 15:00 CET. Additionally, the documents will be
accessible on the Company's website www.wolford.com/en/agm and during
the General Meeting:

-Annual Financial Statements according to Austrian GAAP as of April
30, 2015 including the Notes and the Management Report thereto
-Corporate Governance Report fort the 2014/15 financial year
-Consolidated Financial Statements according to IFRS as of April 30,
2015 including the Consolidated Notes and the Consolidated
Management Report thereto -Report of the Supervisory Board according
to section 96 AktG for the 2014/15 financial year -Report of the
Management Board and the Supervisory Board on the use of Treasury

shares for the purpose of profit sharing of Management Board members
and Senior executives -Joint resolution proposals of the Management
Board and the Supervisory Board for items 2, 3, 4 and 5of the agenda
-Resolution proposal of the Supervisory Board for item 6 of the
agenda -Annual Report 2014/15 for Wolford Aktiengesellschaft -Form
for granting a proxy -Form for revocation of a proxy

This invitation as well as further information on shareholder rights
pursuant to sections 109, 110, 118 and 119 AktG will be available on
the Company's website www.wolford.com/en/agm as of now.

Record date and right to participate in the General Meeting

The right to participate in the General Meeting and to exercise the
voting and all other shareholder rights, which may be exercised in
the General Meeting, are subject to the shareholdings held on the
Record Date, i.e., Monday, September 7, 2015, 24:00 CET.

Only shareholders who provide proof to the Company of the
qualification as a shareholder on the Record Date have the right to
participate in the General Meeting.

To evidence the shareholding on the Record Date, shareholders have to submit a
deposit certificate pursuant to Section 10a AktG (see also "Deposit certificate
pursuant to Section 10a AktG" below) in text form, which must be received by the
Company no later than Monday, September 14, 2015, 24:00 CET, solely at one of
the following addresses:
by telefax: +43 (0)1 928 90 60

by e-mail: hv.anmeldung-1@oekb.at

by mail:

Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
Abt. CSD/HV Operation Center 1
Strauchgasse 1-3, 6. Stock
1010 Wien


Deposit certificate pursuant to Section 10a AktG

The deposit certificate must be issued by the custodian bank with its
seat in a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in a
full member state of the OECD in text form and has to include the
following data: 1.Information regarding the issuer: name/company and
address or a code common between banks (SWIFT-Code)

2.Information regarding the shareholder: name/company, address, date
of birth in case of natural persons, or registry and registration
number in case of legal persons

3.Information regarding the shares: number of shares (ISIN
AT0000834007) of the shareholder

4.Deposit account number or other identification

5.Date, which the deposit certificate refers to

In case the deposit certificate is provided as proof for the
shareholding, it has to refer to the Record Date (Monday, September
7, 2015, 24:00 CET) and must not be older than seven (7) days at the
time presented to the Company.

The deposit certificate shall be submitted in German or English.

The submission of the deposit certificate shall be considered
simultaneously as the registration for the General Meeting. The
shares are not blocked by the registration to the General Meeting or
by the submission of the deposit certificate; thus, shareholders may
freely dispose of their shares also after registration or submission
of a deposit certificate. The shareholder rights linked to the share
ownership during a certain period and/or for a certain date may only
be exercised if proof of the position as a shareholder during the
certain period and/or for the certain date is effected by a deposit
certificate pursuant to Section 10a AktG.

Representation by a proxy holder

Every shareholder, who has the right to participate in the General
Meeting, has the right to nominate a proxy holder (natural or legal
person), who will attend the General Meeting in the name of the
shareholder and has the same rights as the shareholder who the proxy
holder represents.

The proxy must be granted to a specific person (either a natural or a
legal person) in text form; several persons may be nominated. The
proxy must be received by the Company at latest until Wednesday,
September 16, 2015, 12:00 CET, solely at one of the following

by telefax: +43 (0)1 928 90 60

by e-mail: hv.anmeldung-1@oekb.at

by mail:

Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
Abt. CSD/HV Operation Center 1
Strauchgasse 1-3, 6. Stock
1010 Wien

On the day of the General Meeting exclusively:

In person: at the registration desk for the General Meeting at
the place of the General Meeting In case a shareholder has granted a
proxy to the depositary bank, it is sufficient that the bank
provides, in addition to the deposit certificate, a statement
informing the Company that a proxy was granted to the bank.

A form for granting a proxy and a form for the revocation of a proxy
will be sent on request and are available on the website of the
Company on www.wolford.com/en/agm. However, the use of this proxy
forms for granting a proxy and revocation of a proxy are not

The above-mentioned provisions for granting proxies are applicable
accordingly to the revocation of proxies.

Please note that the Company, the members of the Management Board and
the members of the Supervisory Board will not exercise any proxies
granted to them for the exercise of any shareholders' rights in the
General Meeting.

As a special service, the shareholders may grant a proxy to a
representative of Interessensverband für Anleger (the Austrian
Shareholder Association - "IVA"), Feldmühlgasse 22/4, 1130 Wien,
Austria, as an independent voting proxy for the non-discretionary
exercise of voting rights in the General Meeting. It is currently
intended by IVA that Dr. Michael Knap will represent the shareholders
in the General Meeting on behalf of IVA. For granting proxy to Dr.
Michael Knap, a special proxy form is available on the website of the
Company www.wolford.com/en/agm, which has to be submitted to the
Company exclusively to the addresses (telefax, e-mail, mail) for
submission of proxies mentioned above. Additionally, shareholders
have the possibility to contact Dr. Michael Knap from IVA personally
via telephone +43 (0) 1 8763343 - 30, telefax +43 (0) 1 8763343 - 39
or e-mail michael.knap@iva.or.at.

The shareholder must provide Dr. Michael Knap with instructions as to
how he (or a sub-proxy authorized by Dr. Michael Knap) shall exercise
the voting right. Dr. Michael Knap exercises the voting right
exclusively on the basis of the instructions given by the
shareholder. Without explicit instructions, the proxy granted to Dr
Michael Knap shall be invalid. Please note that Dr. Michael Knap does
not accept any instructions to make statements at the General
Meeting, to object to resolutions passed by the General Meeting, to
ask questions or to propose resolutions. Please note that in case of
a grant of proxy, the provisions to participate in the General
Meeting as described above in "Record date and participation in the
General Meeting" have to be fulfilled. Due to the amendment of the
AktG, an anonymous participation as a undisclosed representative
(Legitimationsaktionär) (shares held by "third party" - Aktien im
Fremdbesitz) is no longer permitted.

Notice concerning the rights of shareholders pursuant to sections
109, 110, 118 und 119 AktG

Shareholders, whose shares total, individually or in aggregate, not
less than 5% of the registered capital and who have held their shares
for at least three months before the request, may request the
inclusion and publication of additional items on the agenda of this
General Meeting. Such request must be made in written form ("in
written form" means by personal or company signature from every
requesting shareholder or by e-mail with qualified electronic
signature according to section 4 para 1 Signature Act
[Signaturengesetz]) and must be received by the Company at latest on
Thursday, August 27, 2015, 24:00 CET, per mail to Wolford
Aktiengesellschaft, Investor Relations, Wolfordstraße 1, 6900
Bregenz, or per e-mail: hv.anmeldung-1@oekb.at. Every agenda item
requested in this manner must be accompanied by a resolution proposal
together with a justification. Pursuant to section 128 para 5 AktG,
such a resolution proposal has to be submitted in the German
language, which represents the authoritative text. In order to prove
the shareholding, it is necessary to submit a deposit certificate
according to Section 10a AktG, which certifies that the applying
shareholder/s (5% of the registered capital) have held these shares
for at least three months before the request and which, at the date
of submission to the Company, must not be older than seven (7) days.
In case such a request for additional agenda items will be submitted
by several shareholders, who reach 5% of the registered capital only
on a consolidated basis, the deposit certificates for all
shareholders must refer to the same date (day, time). Regarding all
other requirements of the deposit certificate, please refer to the
information regarding the right to participate in the General
Meeting. Shareholders, whose shares total, individually or in
aggregate, not less than 1% of the registered capital may submit
resolution proposals to every agenda item together with a
justification and may request that these resolution proposals
together with the justification and an optional statement by the
Management Board or the Supervisory Board are published on the
website of the Company, provided such request is received in text
form by the Company no later than Tuesday, September 8, 2015, 24:00
CET, either by telefax to Wolford Aktiengesellschaft, Attn.: Investor
Relations, telefax +43 (0) 5574 690-1219 or per mail to Wolford
Aktiengesellschaft, Attn.: Investor Relations, Wolfordstraße 1, 6900
Bregenz, Austria. Pursuant to section 128 para 5 AktG, such a
resolution proposal has to be submitted in the German language, which
represents the authoritative text; this also applies to declarations
according to section 87 para 2 AktG. In order to prove the
shareholding for the exercise of this shareholder right, it is
necessary to submit a deposit certificate pursuant to Section 10a
AktG, which, at the date of submission to the Company, must not be
older than seven (7) days. Multiple deposit certificates concerning
shares, which only together constitute a shareholding of 1%, must
refer to the same date (day, time). Regarding all other requirements
for the deposit certificate, please refer to the information
regarding the right to participate in the General Meeting.

Every shareholder has the right to propose resolutions on any agenda
item in the course of the General Meeting; these resolutions do not
require formal announcement. Please note that a resolution proposal
according to section 110 AktG will only be voted on if it is proposed
as a motion in the General Meeting.

Every shareholder will be granted disclosure upon request about all
affairs of the Company in the General Meeting, as far as it is
necessary for the appropriate evaluation of an agenda item.

Further information regarding the rights of shareholders pursuant to
Sections 109, 110, 118 and 119 AktG are available on the website of
the Company www.wolford.com/en/agm.

Questions whose response requires longer preparation may, for the
sake of an efficient meeting, be submitted timely in written form to
the Management Board before the General Meeting.

Total number of shares and voting rights

On the date of convening the General Meeting, the registered capital
of the Company is divided into 5,000,000 non-par value bearer shares.
Each non-par value bearer share is entitled to one vote at the Annual
General Meeting. No non-voting preferred shares have been issued. The
Company currently has 100,000 treasury shares in its possession for
which the voting right may not be exercised pursuant to Section 114
Para 6 AktG. Accordingly, there are 4,900,000 shares with voting
rights. When planning the time of your arrival, please consider the
large number of expected participants and the usual security measures
and present your official valid photo identification (driving
licence, passport, identity card) at the reception desk. Admission
for the collection of voting cards starts at 12.00 CET.

Bregenz, August 2015
The Management Board

Further inquiry note:
Wolford AG
Investor Relations
+43 5574 690 1258

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
Wolfordstrasse 1
A-6900 Bregenz
phone: +43 (0) 5574 690-1268
FAX: +43 (0) 5574 690-1219
mail: investor@wolford.com
WWW: company.wolford.com
sector: Textiles & Clothing
ISIN: AT0000834007
indexes: ATX Prime, ATX Global Players
stockmarkets: free trade: Frankfurt, regulated dealing: Wien, ADR: New York
language: English


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